Dr. Amanda Paz Alencar is one of the two final candidates selected for the election of the new vice-chair of the intercultural communication division at the International Communication Association (ICA).
The Vice-Chair elected is primarily responsible for planning the division events at the annual conference. The first two-year term begins on the last day of the 2019 conference in Washington DC and ends with the 2021 conference in Denver. After that time, the Vice-Chair will become the Chair, and serve on the ICA Board to represent the interests of the division.
All members of the intercultural division are eligible on the vice-chair election. Members of interest groups (IG) can also vote. Members will receive a voting link via email toward the end of September. Statements will be linked to each candidate’s name. Each statement will be posted on the voting site.
You can cast your vote online here and of course spread the news among colleagues.
Best of luck to Dr. Amanda Paz Alencar in the elections!