Applied History

Analyse contemporary challenges from a historical perspective

Is this the programme you're looking for?

Do you want to discover how historical events have an influence on our daily lives? And are you looking for a more practical master, focused on the labour market, while applying historical methods? Then the master specialisation Applied History is the right programme for you.

Key Facts & Figures

Mode of study
Full-time | Part-time
Instruction language
1 year
Study points (EC)
Start date
Application Deadline (EEA)
15 May
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The study programme in a nutshell

During the master specialisation Applied History, you will learn to put cultural, economic, political, and social historic events into perspective of the present. Because this master has a ‘practical’ approach, you will be prepared well for the working field. You will acquire crucial skills to gather, analyse and present data in a professional way and learn the skills to analyse and tackle contemporary challenges from a historical perspective. As part of your final project, you will have the opportunity to take a longer internship and write a documentary script or an outline for an exhibition as your final project, next to conducting an academic research.

Why this study

''You can really make it your own so if you're interested in history this is really the study for you.''

Applied History student Reza standing in a museum.

Applied History by Reza

What you will learn

  • Learn how to use long-term perspective if we want to come with sustainable solutions for global and local problems;
  • understand how a historical perspective can help policy makers, by studying the historical development of global challenges – such as domestic violence, climate change or gender equality;
  • learn digital and analogue methods to collect information;
  • take a longer internship to apply what you have learned directly into the field;
  • be able to develop more practical  products, next to classical academic research papers.
Programme overview

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Career opportunities after graduation

The master specialisation Applied History will jumpstart your career as a historian or researcher. But you can also work as a policymaker, manager or researcher at cultural institutions, government authorities, consultancies, archives or in the media.

This could be your future

What do our students think?

Sacha van Mil

Sacha van Mil - Student Master Applied History

What really attracted me to the specialisation Applied History is the the focus on exploring a wider scope of history, offering more variation within the same subject.
What really attracted me to the specialisation Applied History is the the focus on exploring a wider scope of history, offering more variation within the same subject.

After finishing the International Bachelor History, I was looking for a master that would be a real addition to the skillset that I had gathered over the past three years. While a study in History is usually mostly focused on reading and writing literary sources, even in the more modern study programmes, there are many more valuable and applicable skills out there as well. In the master specialisation Applied History, the focus seemed to be on exploring a wider scope of history which is what really attracted me to this specialisation, the offer of more variation within the same subject. 

Future Opportunities 

Because history does not only have to be theoretical, it appears in many forms and is more applicable to the current day than some people might think. Within the programme so far, some examples are performing interviews as an introduction to oral history and spoken history told by real people. History is also very relatable to policy recommendations for real governments, and practising the writing of policy papers in this specialisation opens up the future opportunities to influence the here and the now as well. Just in general, history can be applied to many different issues relevant today, which is something that Applied History heavily focuses on and something that I find really interesting. 

Broadening your skillset 

One of the most challenging parts of this specialisation is working with new types of assignments that go beyond just writing papers, which does take some getting used to. It is really interesting as well and definitely broadens your skillset beyond just a bachelor’s programme. 

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