Do you want to get more out of your studies or do you need some support? Erasmus MC and the EUR offer all kinds of support that you can turn to for questions, advice or guidance. In the overview below you can see who you can turn to* .
*Students of the programs Nanobiology and Clinical Technology can also contact TU Delft for study support.
On this page you will find more information and the contact details of your academic advisor. You can contact the academic advisors by e-mail or you can make an (online) appointment. Consultations with the academic advisor are confidential.
The student counsellor does not work for Erasmus MC, but for Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR). You can contact the student counsellor with questions about:
- The financing of your studies, such as study financing, extra financing when studying abroad or personal circumstances;
- arrangements with DUO and/or private funds;
- housing; for questions and advice about obtaining a declaration of urgency;
- enrolling and deregistering for the study, refunding tuition fees;
- taking multiple studies and/or extra courses at other faculties.
The student psychologists can help you with study problems as well as problems of a psychological, social and/or emotional nature when they interfere with the progress of your studies. Together with the student psychologist you discuss what you need. Sometimes this is short-term personal guidance from the student psychologist, in other cases a workshop or training offered by the student psychologists can help you further. If you need specialized or long-term help, the student psychologist may refer you to another provider.
Do you need urgent psychological help? Then contact your family doctor. Outside of office hours you can go to the doctors' out-patient centre. If you are afraid you will harm yourself call 0900-0113, or go to https://www.113.nl/ for help with suicide prevention. Also if you know someone who is (possibly) suicidal you can contact 113 by calling 0900-0113.
If during your studies at Erasmus MC you encounter undesirable behaviour (such as aggression, violence, (sexual) harassment, discrimination or unequal treatment), you can contact the Erasmus MC confidential counsellors or ombudsman*. Together with the confidential counsellor or ombudsman, you will look for ways to improve the situation. The ombudsman can also conduct an independent investigation. Discussions with the confidential counsellor and ombudsman are always confidential.
Recently, it has also become possible to report transgressive behaviour in an accessible and confidential way via the app #zouikwatzeggen.

Are you unsure about what you want to do after graduation? Would you like tips for a job application or advice about the job market? Make an appointment with the career advisors of the EUR. They can also help you choose the right master's degree. Through personal conversations with the career advisors, you can discover what you are good at and what industry/specialization appeals to you, or what type of job best suits your personal circumstances. You can also drop by for a CV or LinkedIn check or participate in various workshops.
Do you need to talk to someone about meaning, spirituality or what you find important in life? Then you've come to the right place at the student pastorate. You are welcome, regardless of your religious or secular background. You can go to the student chaplaincy for individual conversations, group discussions or courses on various themes, such as spiritual welfare, motivation, personal leadership and living with loss.
Do you practice top-level sports in addition to your studies, or would you like to do so in the future? Please contact the Erasmus Elite Sport coordinator to discuss the possibilities and procedures, such as applying for top-level sports status. On this page you will find more information about combining top-level sports and studies.
If you are a top athlete it is also wise to make an appointment with your academic advisor to discuss the possible support from the program and to make a study plan.
University psychologists, career counsellors and student counsellors offer a variety of workshops and trainings on topics as diverse as mindfulness, study skills, study switch, networking and dealing with exam anxiety. Check the website for the full range of courses on offer.
The student advisors also give workshops for first-year students of the Medicine program on study planning, study skills and mental preparation. Information about these workshops is shared via SIN-Online.
This platform offers various online and offline activities to improve your well-being and personal growth. From dealing with feelings of loneliness and stress to improving motivation to study. You can join the student team, find an empathetic listening ear through the helpline and participate in a wide range of social activities. There is something for everyone.
Below you will find the other forms of student counseling. Please note that these are not listed.
Besides the study guidance offered by Erasmus MC, there are other possibilities for guidance. Students may be referred to this by the academic advisor.
Possible referrals are: