Remote Working: How to Best Keep a Pulse on Employee Well-Being?

The outbreak of Covid-19 has dealt a blow to the global economy, forcing companies to cut costs and lay off people. From the ones still in employment, many experience guilt for surviving the lay-offs, are forced to rethink the way they work and feel stressed, anxious, and helpless. 

This situation puts HR in a difficult spot: Companies rely on HR to support employees and, at the same time, expect it to cut costs. Indeed, a Willis Towers Watson virtual focus group with 75 U.S. companies participating revealed that sustaining employee well-being is high on the priority list, but that the current economic climate requires HR interventions to be as cost-efficient as possible. 

Employee surveying can help guide HR through this impasse. Keeping track of employees’ well-being and work experience and tuning in on their challenges and preferences can help HR pinpoint specific improvement areas, tailor interventions to the needs of specific employee groups, and refine interventions on the fly.

Contents of this article
Why keep a frequent pulse
How to keep a frequent pulse
1. Obtain buy-in
2. Only ask relevant questions
3. Measure frequently
4. Keep employee in the loop
5. Use the results
On a final note


Read the complete article here.

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