Do international migrants increase their happiness and that of their families by migrating?

World Happiness Report

Martijn Hendriks and Martijn Burger, both researchers at the Erasmus Happiness Economics Research Organization, have written a chapter in the World Happiness Report 2018 concerning the relationship between migration and happiness.

The chapter contributes to existing knowledge in three main ways. First, it covers the happiness outcomes of migrants in previously unexplored migration flows between world regions, within world regions, and between specific countries. Second, while previous work predominantly evaluated migrants’ cognitive happiness outcomes (life evaluations), this chapter explores migrants’ happiness outcomes more comprehensively by additionally considering the impact of migration on the affective dimension of happiness (moods and emotions). Third, this chapter provides a global overview of the relationship between migration and the happiness of families left behind and examines the impact of migration on families left behind in various previously unexplored migration flows.

You can read the chapter in the World Happiness Report below, 

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