Introduction to Economic Theories


Have you ever wondered why economists have not predicted financial crises or asked yourself if there are no sensible economic alternatives to free markets? 

Key Facts & Figures

8 weeks
Instruction language
Mode of instruction

Start dates

The MOOC Introduction to Economic Theories is always available online. Once you enrol, you’ll have access to all videos, quizzes, and programming assignments (if applicable). Peer review assignments can only be submitted and reviewed once the MOOC has begun, which is every 4 weeks.

Target group

Wondering why economists have not predicted financial crises? Shocked by economic assumptions of human behavior as self-centered? Asking yourself if there are no sensible economic alternatives to free markets? Then you are at the right place to learn economics!

Course information 

This is the first online course that teaches pluralist economics. This means that a plurality of theoretical and methodological viewpoints is regarded as valuable in itself and is the best way to understanding the world. I will introduce you to four theories for the whole set of standard topics in microeconomics and macroeconomics. The theories are presented from broad and more interdisciplinary to narrow and more mathematical. They are Social Economics, Institutional Economics, Post Keynesian economics and finally Neoclassical Economics, for the special case of ideally functioning markets. But not everything is different in this course. Like every economics course, it includes numbers, diagrams, equations, and some basic calculations.

The objective of this course is twofold. First, to enable you to understand different economic viewpoints, linked to important traditions in economic thought, and basic economic concepts belonging to these perspectives. Second, to enable you to understand or do some basic economic calculations, such as inflation or the profit rate.

Irene van Staveren

Email address
  • prof.dr. (Irene) IP van Staveren

    **Irene van Staveren (1963) is professor of pluralist development economics at the Institute of Social Studies (ISS) of Erasmus University Rotterdam.**…
    prof.dr. (Irene) IP van Staveren
  • prof.dr. (Rob) RJM van Tulder

    Rob van Tulder, PhD (1956) is emeritus Professor of International Business-Society Management. He holds a PhD degree (cum laude) in social sciences …
    prof.dr. (Rob) RJM van Tulder
  • (Maria) M Dafnomili

    Maria Dafnomili is a doctoral researcher. She obtained her BSc in Economics in the University of Crete in Greece in 2008 and her MSc degree in Macroeoconmic…
    (Maria) M Dafnomili

Facts & Figures


The course is free. If you want to obtain a certificate, the fee is around 50 euros. 

Not applicable
8 weeks
Offered by
International Institute of Social Studies
Course type
Instruction language
Mode of instruction



For more information and registration: Visit the Coursera website

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