Corporate Communication

Is deze studie iets voor jou?

The part-time Executive Master of Science in Corporate Communication (MScCC) is a world-class master programme designed for communication professionals, and can easily be combined with a career.

Belangrijkste Feiten & Cijfers

18 maanden
Studiepunten (EC)
Aanmelddeadline (EEA)
Het hele jaar door
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Het studieprogramma in het kort

Communication professionals working in an international corporate setting must understand the ins and outs of communicating externally and internally – and across cultures – to ensure management strategies are effective and successful in every part of the business.

Waarom deze studie

Carrièremogelijkheden na je studie

Many students experience increased levels of responsibility and seniority within their roles while they’re still in the programme.

Bekijk jouw toekomst

Deze bruisende studentenstad biedt je kunst en cultuur, uitgaansleven, verenigingen, sportclubs en meer om je studentenleven nóg leuker te maken.

Ontdek Rotterdam
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  • @title

    • Tijdsduur: @duration
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