Researcher profielen

  • dr. (Marcia) MN Goddard

    dr. (Marcia) MN Goddard
  • (Carlos) CA Godoy Junior

    (Carlos) CA Godoy Junior
  • (Juliet) JJ Godthelp

    (Juliet) JJ Godthelp
  • dr. (Marc) MH Goedhart

    Marc Goedhart is (part time) full professor in Corporate Valuation and a senior expert in corporate finance at McKinsey & Company. He has more than 20 years…
    dr. (Marc) MH Goedhart
  • dr. (Anubhav) A Goel

    dr. (Anubhav) A Goel
  • (Jule) JAS Goetker

    (Jule) JAS Goetker
  • dr. (Curtis) CM Goldsby

    Curtis is a part-time PhD student in Management at RSM’s Technology and Operations Management department. In his PhD, Curtis studies how complex…
    dr. (Curtis) CM Goldsby
  • (Azucena) ADR Gollaz Moran, MA

    My research interests and experience is rooted within the fields of Gender and Development Studies and Feminist Urban Geography. My topics of interest are…
    (Azucena) ADR Gollaz Moran, MA
  • drs. (Claudia) C Gomes

    drs. (Claudia) C Gomes
  • (Marco) MDC Gomes Vale Viga

    (Marco) MDC Gomes Vale Viga

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  • @title

    • Tijdsduur: @duration
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