Researcher profielen

  • dr. (Rob) R Potharst

    Rob Potharst is Assistant Professor at the Econometric Institute of Erasmus University. He teaches courses in Java programming and data mining. Recently he…
    dr. (Rob) R Potharst
  • (Anne) AGP Poulsen

    (Anne) AGP Poulsen
  • dr. (Morteza) M Pourakbar

    Morteza Pourakbar is an associate professor at the Department of Technology and Operations Management at Rotterdam School of Management. His main research…
    dr. (Morteza) M Pourakbar
  • (Deniz) DD Poyraz, MSc

    (Deniz) DD Poyraz, MSc
  • dr. (Lorenzo) LCG Pozzi

    dr. (Lorenzo) LCG Pozzi
  • dr. (Lore) L Van Praag

    dr. (Lore) L Van Praag
  • prof. (Emanuel) EJ van Praag

    prof. (Emanuel) EJ van Praag
  • (Luis) LE Prato Viermas

    (Luis) LE Prato Viermas
  • dr. (Anna) A Priante

    Anna Priante is Assistant Professor at the Department of Technology and Operations Management (Business Information Management section) at the Rotterdam School…
    dr. (Anna) A Priante
  • dr. (Jason) JH Pridmore

    Jason Pridmore is the Vice Dean of Education for the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication and an Associate Professor in the Department of Media…
    dr. (Jason) JH Pridmore

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  • @title

    • Tijdsduur: @duration
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