Researcher profielen

  • dr. (Gerard) GH Loosschilder

    dr. (Gerard) GH Loosschilder
  • dr. (Ellen) EMMP Loots

    As an Associate Professor at Erasmus University Rotterdam in the Netherlands, my ambition lies in the harmonious integration of two vital themes:…
    dr. (Ellen) EMMP Loots
  • ir. (Andre) ATA Loozekoot

    ir. (Andre) ATA Loozekoot
  • (Deirisa) D Lopes Barreto

    (Deirisa) D Lopes Barreto
  • (Ricardo) R Lopes Esteves

    (Ricardo) R Lopes Esteves
  • (Ibeth) IM Lopez Cazar, MA

    (Ibeth) IM Lopez Cazar, MA
  • (Francesco) F Lovecchio

    (Francesco) F Lovecchio
  • dr. (Sofie) SMM Loyens

    Problem-based learning (and constructivism) Conceptual change Motivation from an SDT-perspective Approaches to learning and study strategies Self-regulated and…
    dr. (Sofie) SMM Loyens
  • (Natalia) N Lozano Arevalo, MA

    Natalia Lozano is a Ph.D. candidate, part of the Civic Innovation research group at ISS. She holds a Master of Arts in Development Studies from ISS, with a…
    (Natalia) N Lozano Arevalo, MA
  • (Hairong) H Lu

    (Hairong) H Lu

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