(Natalia) N Lozano Arevalo, MA


Natalia Lozano is a Ph.D. candidate, part of the Civic Innovation research group at ISS. She holds a Master of Arts in Development Studies from ISS, with a specialization in conflict and peace studies and a degree in International Relations.

Natalia's central commitment is to social justice. This commitment has taken her to engage in diverse topics of study related to the development processes in the Global South, ranging from women's experiences of militarization to adolescents' embodied realities of Human Papillomavirus vaccination injuries. Her work mostly focuses on Colombia, where she was born and raised.

She approaches social sciences research from a relational and intersectional perspective. She pays particular attention to power dynamics, the politics of knowledge production, the discursive and material aspects of social life, and the multiplicity and fluidity of people's experiences.

Her current research project investigates the politics and implications for social justice of Human Papillomavirus public vaccination concerning young women's embodied experiences of vaccine injuries; and the discursive association between universal immunization and socio-economic development.

International Institute of Social Studies

Visiting fellow | Academic staff unit
Burg. Oudlaan 50, Rotterdam

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