Researcher profielen

  • (Wenxing) W Wang

    (Wenxing) W Wang
  • (Hujie) H Wang, MSc

    (Hujie) H Wang, MSc
  • dr. (Wendun) W Wang

    dr. (Wendun) W Wang
  • dr. (Felix) FPL Ward

    Monetary economics, International macroeconomics, Economic History
    dr. (Felix) FPL Ward
  • (Rianne) R Warsen

    Rianne Warsen is Assistant Professor Public Management at the department of Public Administration and Sociology (DPAS) at Erasmus University Rotterdam. As…
    (Rianne) R Warsen
  • dr. (Michael) ML Wayne

    Michael holds a PhD in sociology from the University of Virginia, USA. From 2015 to 2018, Michael was a Kreitman Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in the Department…
    dr. (Michael) ML Wayne
  • prof.dr. (Dinand) HD Webbink

    Dinand Webbink is Professor of Policy Evaluation at the Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus University. His work focuses on empirical analysis of the effect of…
    prof.dr. (Dinand) HD Webbink
  • (Franziska) F Weber

    * Professor in Law and Economics at Erasmus School of Law * Member of scientific committee of Erasmus research initiative AiPact and AICON *… (Franziska) F Weber
  • (Elliott) EC Weder

    (Elliott) EC Weder
  • (Thaliza) CE Weeda, MSc

    (Thaliza) CE Weeda, MSc

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