Researcher profielen

  • (Jessie) JMP Bekkers - van Rooij, MBA (Jessie) JMP Bekkers - van Rooij, MBA
  • prof.dr. (Sjoerd) S van Bekkum

    Sjoerd van Bekkum is Professor of Finance and Economics at the Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus University. His research agenda focuses on changes in the…
    prof.dr. (Sjoerd) S van Bekkum
  • dr. (Warda) W Belabas

    dr. (Warda) W Belabas
  • (Yeshiwas Degu) YD Belay

    Yeshiwas Degu Belay is a PhD student at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS/EUR) and University of Iceland. His current research focuses on…
    (Yeshiwas Degu) YD Belay
  • (Bram) A Belder, MA

    (Bram) A Belder, MA
  • (Vladimir) VK Belev, LL.M

    Vladimir Belev is a PhD researcher in European Union law and Digital Platforms. He is part of the Erasmus School of Law, Department Law & Markets. Further,…
    (Vladimir) VK Belev, LL.M
  • (Nikolaos) N Beligiannis, MSc

    (Nikolaos) N Beligiannis, MSc
  • (Fabian) FM Bellaard, MA

    (Fabian) FM Bellaard, MA
  • (Tom) T Belleman

    (Tom) T Belleman
  • dr. (Clement) CS Bellet

    Research interests: Behavioral Economics, Quantitative Marketing, Subjective Well-Being, Inequality and Poverty. My work borrows from behavioral economics and…
    dr. (Clement) CS Bellet

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