Researcher profielen

  • dr. (Karin) CTH Bakker

    dr. (Karin) CTH Bakker
  • (Ronnie) R Bakker

    (Ronnie) R Bakker
  • prof.dr. (Arnold) AB Bakker

    Arnold Bakker is professor and chair of the research group Work and Organizational Psychology of the Institute of Psychology at Erasmus University Rotterdam,…
    prof.dr. (Arnold) AB Bakker
  • dr. (Rene) RM Bakker

    I am an Associate Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at the Rotterdam School of Management at Erasmus University, Field Editor for one of the top…
    dr. (Rene) RM Bakker
  • (Sanchita) S Bakshi

    Sanchita Bakshi is a Ph.D. Researcher at the International Institute of Social Studies, The Hague. Previously, she worked with Samaj Pragati Sahayog, one of…
    (Sanchita) S Bakshi
  • dr. (Pieter) PLH Bakx

    I am an associate professor affiliated with the Health Economics group at the Erasmus School for Health Policy and Management. Furthermore, I am a fellow of the…
    dr. (Pieter) PLH Bakx
  • prof.dr. (Roland) RA Bal

    My main research interest lies in the building, functioning and consequences of knowledge infrastructures for the governance of health care. I have studied such…
    prof.dr. (Roland) RA Bal
  • (Victoria) V Balan, MSc

    (Victoria) V Balan, MSc
  • (Sophie) S van Balen

    Sophie van Balen (MA) is PhD candidate at Erasmus School of Philosophy. She is also PhD Council chair at OZSW (Dutch Research School of Philosophy) and editor…
    (Sophie) S van Balen
  • prof.dr. (Jan Peter) JP Balkenende

    prof.dr. (Jan Peter) JP Balkenende

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