Sophie van Balen (MA) is PhD candidate at Erasmus School of Philosophy. She is also PhD Council chair at OZSW (Dutch Research School of Philosophy) and editor/moderator at philosophical café Felix & Sofie.
Her PhD project, which received NWO-funding within the research program PhD in the Humanities (2021), brings together contemporary continental climate philosophy with feminist theory and politics. Picking up on the 'forgetting of air' that both Luce Irigaray and Peter Sloterdijk theorise, Sophie van Balen approaches climate disruption by thinking through breath. If we figure out a way to think about our (human and non-human) existence as situated in air, what might that tell us about how intimately exposed we are to climate change? Via phenomenological and ontological work, and by doing case studies on the nitrogen crisis and the biodiversity crisis, Sophie van Balen develops a politics of breath.
Together with dr. Irene van Oorschot and Maaike van Papeveld (MA), Sophie van Balen designed and worked on the societal research project ‘Voel je het veranderen?’ into the citizen experiences of a changing climate in the city of Rotterdam in 2021-2022 which received funding from Rotterdams Weerwoord. In 2019, Sophie van Balen co-organised the fourth biennial conference in Performance Philosophy ‘Between Institution and Intoxication: How does Performance Philosophy Intervene?’ and was guest-editor together with Ricarda Franzen (UvA) for the subsequent journal issue.
She taught many courses in political philosophy and climate philosophy, among which recently: Contemporary Challenges (guest lectures), Close Reading bell hooks (coordination & teaching), Contemporary Political Philosophy (lecture, PBLs), Climate Crisis (PBLs), Feminist Philosophy (PBLs), and Public Philosophy (seminar).
More information
- Sophie van Balen (2024) - Een zoete geur: Comfortabel leven in tijden van klimaatverandering en luchtvervuiling - Wijsgerig Perspectief op Maatschappij en Wetenschap, 64 (4), 6 - [link]
- Irene van Oorschot & Sophie van Balen (2024) - Sensing and making sense of climate change in Western European urban setting: Bodily exposures, uncertain epistemologies, and climatic care practices - Sociological Review - doi: 10.1177/00380261241274874
- Irene van Oorschot, Sophie van Balen & Annelies Kuijpers (2024) - Panel: In the wake of ecological disaster: Navigating pasts and generating futures - [link]
- Sophie van Balen (2024) - Un/breathable futures and pasts in the nitrogen crisis: An account of fieldwork on three cow farms in 2023 - [link]
- Sophie van Balen (2024) - Stikstof op waarde schatten: Een kritische verkenning van ecologische denkwijzen onder Nederlandse rundveehouders - [link]
- Sophie van Balen (2023) - De toekomst is geen schietschijf - [link]
- Sophie van Balen (2023) - The climate politics of care practices: A conceptual and political exploration of more than human atmospheric care under conditions of air pollution - Krisis, tijdschrift voor actuele filosofie, 43 (1), 43-62 - doi: 10.21827/krisis.43.1.37969 - [link]
- Sophie van Balen (2023) - The forgetting of everyday living: Exploring displacements in futuring climate change - [link]
- Irene van Oorschot & Sophie van Balen (2023) - De antipolitiek van klimaatrichtlijnen - [link]
- Sophie van Balen & Irene van Oorschot (2023) - Weathering the Modern Tempest
- Sophie van Balen (2023) - Breathing misanthropy: Rethinking human complicities in end times
- Irene van Oorschot & Sophie van Balen (2023) - Sensing change, changing sense: Exploring Sensational Epistemologies for Transdisciplinary Practice
- Sophie van Balen & Irene van Oorschot (2022) - Exposure to the urban climate: Attunement, weathering, and atmospheric care - [link]
- Sophie van Balen (2021) - Becoming human in anthropogenic hothouses: Sloterdijk’s foam anthropology of breathability in times of atmospheric crisis - Internationales Jahrbuch für Anthropologie, 10 (1), 181-194 - doi: 10.1515/jbpa-2020-0010
- Sophie van Balen & Ricarda Franzen (2020) - Intervention as Intoxication! - Performance Philosophy, 5 (2), 172-182 - doi: 10.21476/PP.2020.52298
- Sophie van Balen (2023) - Zorgdragen voor een adembare omgeving (Speaker)
Activiteit: Invited talk › Popular - Sophie van Balen & Irene van Oorschot (2023) - Everyday Ingenuities (Participant)
Activiteit: Attending an event › Academic - Sophie van Balen (2023) - Resisting Closure (Speaker)
Activiteit: Invited talk › Academic - Sophie van Balen (2022) - Sterrenstof ademen (Speaker)
Activiteit: Invited talk › Popular - Sophie van Balen (2022) - Zouden we ons meer thuis moeten voelen in de natuur? (Speaker)
Activiteit: Invited talk › Popular - Sophie van Balen (2022) - OK, so the climate is in crisis? (Speaker)
Activiteit: Invited talk › Academic
Capstone Thesis
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- EUC-CAP400
Academic Writing Assessment
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- FW-PRE002