Researcher profielen

  • (Masoud) M Mohebbi

    Masoud Mohebbi is a PhD candidate who joined the Department of Accounting in September 2023. His research interests lie in the field of taxation. He obtained…
    (Masoud) M Mohebbi
  • (Anastasia) AV Moiseeva

    Dr. Anastasia Moiseeva enjoys living and working in the Netherlands since 2005. She loves to learn about different subjects and fields of study, therefore her… (Anastasia) AV Moiseeva
  • (Hamraz) H Mokri

    (Hamraz) H Mokri
  • (Yourai) YFRM Mol

    (Yourai) YFRM Mol
  • prof.dr. (Cor) CNA Molenaar

    prof.dr. (Cor) CNA Molenaar
  • dr. (Anouk) AE Mols

    Anouk Mols is a postdoctoral researcher and lecturer at the Department of Media & Communication of the Erasmus University Rotterdam. She works for the EU…
    dr. (Anouk) AE Mols
  • prof.dr. (Tom) TJM Mom

    Tom J.M. Mom is a professor of Strategic Growth and Implementation at the department of Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship of RSM Erasmus University…
    prof.dr. (Tom) TJM Mom
  • (Jonathan) J Moniz

    I became a PhD candidate at the International Institute of Social Studies in 2023. By refusing disciplinary confines I link climate change, Black studies, and…
    (Jonathan) J Moniz
  • mr. (Anneke) AP Monsma

    Research on taxes of sub-central governments I'm conducting legal research on taxes of sub-central governments (SCG's) in the Netherlands, e.g. municipalities…
    mr. (Anneke) AP Monsma

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