Researcher profielen

3092 resultaten

  • TT (Tung) Nguyen

    My research fields are macroeconomics, macro fiscal disciplines and trade at global level and national levels of Vietnam and other ASEAN countries. I am also…
    TT (Tung) Nguyen
  • CTT (Cindy) Nguyen

    CTT (Cindy) Nguyen
  • Z (Zahra) Niazkhani

    After graduating from Medicine at Urmia University of Medical Science in 1999, I worked as a general practitioner in public and private sectors of Iranian…
    Z (Zahra) Niazkhani
  • prof.dr. AP (Anna Petra) Nieboer

    Nieboer is a professor of Socio-Medical Sciences at the Institute of Health Policy and Management, Erasmus University. In the past decade, her work has…
    prof.dr. AP (Anna Petra) Nieboer
  • VS (Victoria) Niehues

    VS (Victoria) Niehues
  • dr. JC (Chris) Nierstrasz

    dr. JC (Chris) Nierstrasz
  • PA (Paula Andrea) Nieto Hernandez, LLM

    Paula Nieto is a Colombian lawyer and PhD candidate at the Erasmus University School of Philosophy. She holds an advanced master’s degree in Public…
    PA (Paula Andrea) Nieto Hernandez, LLM
  • mr. IPM (Isabelle) van den Nieuwendijk

    mr. IPM (Isabelle) van den Nieuwendijk
  • BFH (Bernold) Nieuwesteeg

    BFH (Bernold) Nieuwesteeg
  • S (Sveva) Nieuwland

    S (Sveva) Nieuwland

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