Researcher profielen

3092 resultaten

  • prof.dr. J (Jurian) Edelenbos

    Jurian Edelenbos is professor of interactive urban governance and academic director of the Erasmus Initiative Vital Cities and Citizens. Jurian Edelenbos has…
    prof.dr. J (Jurian) Edelenbos
  • dr. CM (Charlotte) Edelmann

    dr. CM (Charlotte) Edelmann
  • dr. NR (Nancy) Edwards

    Nancy Edwards is a Senior Lecturer in the EUC Department of Economics and Business. Over the past ten years, Nancy has profiled herself as an accomplished…
    dr. NR (Nancy) Edwards
  • mr. MP (Miranda) van Eeden - van Harskamp

    Miranda van Eeden-van Harskamp heeft Nederlands privaatrecht gestudeerd aan de Erasmus Universiteit. Daarna is zij 15 jaar als advocaat en curator werkzaam…
    mr. MP (Miranda) van Eeden - van Harskamp
  • prof.dr. BF (Bregje) van Eekelen

    Bregje van Eekelen (Ph.D. University of California, Santa Cruz) is Senior Researcher History of Social and Human Sciences at the Erasmus School of History,…
    prof.dr. BF (Bregje) van Eekelen
  • drs. R (Reva) Efe, MSc

    drs. R (Reva) Efe, MSc
  • dr. NS (Nick) Efthymiou

    dr. NS (Nick) Efthymiou
  • dr. CM (Clara) Egger

    I am Assistant Professor of Global Governance at the Department of Public Administration and Sociology from the Erasmus School of Behavioural and Social…
    dr. CM (Clara) Egger
  • prof.dr. CJM (Koen) van Eijck

    Koen van Eijck is professor of Cultural Lifestyles and head of the Examination Board of the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication. He also serves…
    prof.dr. CJM (Koen) van Eijck
  • mr.dr. EVA (Eva) Eijkelenboom

    mr.dr. EVA (Eva) Eijkelenboom

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