dr. Y (Yijing) Wang


Yijing Wang, Ph.D. is a strategic communication scholar specialized in the study of crisis communication and sustainability transition. She is Associate Professor in the Department of Media and Communication at Erasmus University Rotterdam. She serves as Chair of the ECREA Risk and Crisis Communication Section, Editor-in-Chief of Corporate Reputation Review, and Editorial Board Member of Public Relations Review and Business Horizons. She is the Principal Investigator and Coordinator of the Horizon Europe project CUES (EUR 6.5 million, 2024-2028), a Management Committee Member of the COST Action project Alert Hub, and a member of the Crisis Communication Think Tank (CCTT). Yijing obtained her PhD degree in Corporate Reputation and Stakeholder Management from Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), Erasmus University Rotterdam. She is the author of numerous international publications in journals such as the Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of International Management, Business Horizons, Convergence, Public Relations Review, Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, and Media and Communication.

Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Associate professor | Department of Media and Communication

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  • Yijing Wang (2025) - Lund University (Visiting researcher)
    Activiteit: Visiting an external academic institution Academic
  • Yijing Wang (2025) - Hui Zhao (Host)
    Activiteit: Hosting an academic visitor Academic
  • Yijing Wang (2025) - Public Relations Review (External organisation) (Chair)
    Activiteit: Membership of board Academic
  • Yijing Wang (2025) - ILUM University (External organisation) (Member)
    Activiteit: Membership of board Academic
  • Yijing Wang (2024) - PhD Defense Committee Member (Examiner)
    Activiteit: Examination Academic
  • Yijing Wang (2024) - Advancing Crisis Communication in Digitalized Societies: New Challenges and Frontiers (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Invited talk Academic
  • Yijing Wang (2024) - EU COST ACTION AlertHub (External organisation) (Member)
    Activiteit: Membership of committee Academic
  • Yijing Wang (2024) - Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Visiting researcher)
    Activiteit: Visiting an external academic institution Academic
  • Yijing Wang (2024) - Crisis READINESS Workshop (Organiser)
    Activiteit: Organising and contributing to an event Academic
  • Yijing Wang (2024) - Consumers’ Understanding of Eating Sustainably (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Invited talk Academic

  • Yijing Wang (2024) - Best Paper Award
  • Anne-Marie van Prooijen & Yijing Wang (2024) - Best Full Paper Award
  • Y (Yijing) Wang (2021) - Best Reviewer Award
  • Y (Yijing) Wang (2020) - M&C Best Teacher Award

Master Thesis

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Master Thesis Project

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News regarding dr. Y (Yijing) Wang

Samenwerking ERMeCHS onderzoekscluster ROCCS leidt tot publicatie in tijdschrift

The ROCCS research cluster published a scientific paper on the GGZ 'Data leak' scandal during COVID-19 in the Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management.
People in a meeting working on their laptops

Een duurzaam voedselsysteem dat goed is voor het milieu, de samenleving en de economie

We hebben een duurzaam voedselsysteem nodig maar hoe doen we dat? CUES heeft 6,5 miljoen gekregen van de Europese Commissie om deze vraag te beantwoorden.
Women holding apple and donut in front of camera

Empowering students through interdisciplinary and intercultural education on sustainable development

✅ I CLI Fellows Mélodine Sommier, Yijing Wang en Ana Vasques deden onderzoek naar empowerment van studenten door interdisciplinair en intercultureel onderwijs.
Ana Vasques, Yijing Wang and Mélodine Sommier

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