**Vidhi Chaudhri** is Associate Professor in the Department of Media and Communication at Erasmus University Rotterdam where she teaches in the International Bachelor in Communication and Media (IBCoM), Master Media & Business (M&B), and supervises MA theses. Her teaching and research interests span a variety of topics in organizational communication and public relations, including corporate social responsibility (CSR), crisis communication and corporate reputation, social-mediated corporate communication, organizational rhetoric, and digital activism. Driven by her interest in bridging academic and industry, her approach to teaching and research combines conceptual knowledge with an applied perspective. Besides, she facilitates interactive workshops for students and professionals. Vidhi has a doctorate in organizational communication from Purdue University, USA. Her dissertation examining the meanings and manifestations of corporate social responsibility (CSR) among organizations in India was supported by a competitive grant from the Purdue Research Foundation (PRF). Her work is published in peer-reviewed journals such as *Management Communication Quarterly, Public Relations Review, The Journal of Corporate Citizenship, International Journal of Business Communication, and Corporate Communication: A International Journal*, among others. She is co-author of several book chapters and business case studies. Most recently, she is co-author of *Corporate Communication through Social Media: Strategies for Managing Reputation *(published by SAGE). Before joining EUR in 2012, Vidhi was Assistant Professor in Communication at The Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIMA) where she taught courses in organizational change, analytical writing, and spoken business communication, and facilitated sessions in executive education programs. A native of India, Vidhi studied history at Delhi University and worked as a public relations consultant with 20:20 MEDIA (now 2020 MSL) and a voice-over specialist at India’s national television network.
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication
More information
- Vidhi Chaudhri, Nina Armbrust & Sergül Nguyen (2024) - Permanently on standby: Practitioner perspectives on the complexities of crisis planning - Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 32 (3) - doi: 10.1111/1468-5973.12600 - [link]
- Avani Desai, Asha Kaul & Vidhi Chaudhri (2023) - Doing “Reputation” in the Indian Context: An Employee Perspective - International Journal of Communication (online), 17, 3267-3292 - [link]
- Vidhi Chaudhri & Asha Kaul (2022) - CSR in the community: Implications for communication, development, and engagement - doi: 10.4324/9781003184911-31
- Asha Kaul & Vidhi Chaudhri (2022) - #BaghjanBurns: Crisis at Oil India Ltd - [link]
- Vidhi Chaudhri, Jason Pridmore & Carola Mauck (2022) - Assembling the Start-up Brand: A Process Framework for Understanding Strategic Communication Challenges - International Journal of Strategic Communication, 16 (2), 206-221 - doi: 10.1080/1553118X.2021.1976784 - [link]
- Vidhi Chaudhri & Asha Kaul (2022) - "Water in the Desert?": Oil India's CSR Impact in Assam - [link]
- Vidhi Chaudhri & A Kaul (2022) - Water in the desert?: Oil India’s CSR impact in Assam - [link]
- Vidhi Chaudhri & J E Hein (2022) - NGO-Business Partnerships: Implications for Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Change Communication - [link]
- Vidhi Chaudhri & Asha Kaul (2021) - Oil India Ltd.'s CSR Dilemma: Balancing community and business - Asian Case Research Journal, 25 (2-3), 289-307 - doi: 10.1142/S0218927521500140 - [link]
- Vidhi Chaudhri, Tessa Oomen, Jason Pridmore & A (Alexandra) Joon (2021) - 'CARE’ in social media: Perceptions of reputation in the healthcare sector - Journal of Communication Management, 25 (2), 125-141 - doi: 10.1108/JCOM-06-2020-0059 - [link]
- Phuong Hoan Le, Vidhi Chaudhri & Yijing Wang (2021) - Revisiting antecedents of organizational identification: How gig workers connect with the organization - [link]
- Vidhi Chaudhri & Tao Yue (2020) - Reputation Crisis? Facebook meets Cambridge Analytica [MOOC] - [link]
- Vidhi Chaudhri & A Kaul (2020) - Nestlé (dis)entangled! Braving the MAGGI noodle crisis in India. Part B - [link]
- Claudia Janssen Danyi & Vidhi Chaudhri (2020) - Strategic social media management for NGOs - doi: 10.1007/978-981-10-7035-8_72-1 - [link]
- T Willemstein, C Gatt & Vidhi Chaudhri (2020) - Balancing exclusivity and sustainability in the luxury fashion industry: #Burnberry - [link]
- Tao Yue, Raminta Beraite & Vidhi Chaudhri (2020) - Facebook's Reputation: Trials and Tribulations - [link]
- Vidhi Chaudhri (2023) - Looking forward, looking back: Turning points as moments of reflection and introspection (Speaker)
Activiteit: Invited talk › Professional - Vidhi Chaudhri, Daniel Curtis & Mariangela Lavanga (2023) - ESHCC Societal Engagement Award 2023 (Event) (Chair)
Activiteit: Membership of committee › Academic - Vidhi Chaudhri & Asha Kaul (2022) - How much is ‘enough’?: Interrogating the value and limits of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the community. (Speaker)
Activiteit: Oral presentation › Academic - Asha Kaul & Vidhi Chaudhri (2022) - Strategizing for CSR communication: The archetype and the narrative (Speaker)
Activiteit: Oral presentation › Academic - Vidhi Chaudhri & Katarina Putnik (2022) - Talent Progression: A Systemic Approach (Speaker)
Activiteit: Invited talk › Academic - Vidhi Chaudhri (2022) - Management Communication Quarterly (Journal) (Member of editorial board)
Activiteit: Editorial work › Academic - Vidhi Chaudhri (2022) - Management Communication Quarterly (Journal) (Reviewer)
Activiteit: Editorial work › Academic - Vidhi Chaudhri (2022) - Management Communication Quarterly (Journal) (Reviewer)
Activiteit: Editorial work › Academic - Vidhi Chaudhri (2021) - Business and Professional Communication Quarterly (Journal) (Member of editorial board)
Activiteit: Editorial work › Academic - Vidhi Chaudhri (2021) - Business and Professional Communication Quarterly (Journal) (Reviewer)
Activiteit: Editorial work › Academic
- Vidhi Chaudhri (2024) - Innovation and Impact
- Vidhi Chaudhri (2024) - PCMC Impact and Innovation Award
- Vidhi Chaudhri (2023) - Teaching Prize, Media and Communication
- Vidhi Chaudhri (2023) - PCMC department teaching award 2023
MICA--The School of Ideas
- Start date approval
- mei 2024
- End date approval
- november 2026
- Place
- Description
- Academic Advisory Board
Corporate Management with Social Media
- Level
- MA
- Year Level
- MA
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- CM4102
Crisis Management: Leadership in Action
- Year Level
- BA-2, BA-3
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- CM2095
Corporate Communication
- Year Level
- BA-2, BA-3
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- CM2041
Consulting Challenge
- Level
- MA
- Year Level
- MA
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- CM4114