prof.dr. (Tom) TJM Mom


Tom J.M. Mom is a professor of Strategic Growth and Implementation at the department of Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship of RSM Erasmus University Rotterdam. He is also a Senior Fellow of the Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship and used to be the academic director of RSM's Executive-MBA.

His expertise includes new business development & growth, scaling-up, ambidexterity, leadership development, and strategy execution. His research appeared in journals like the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, Organization Science, Organization Studies, MIT Sloan Management Review, California Management Review, Human Resource Management, and Long Range Planning. He co-authored the 2021 bestseller management book ‘Naar een gezond groeibedrijf in vijf stappen’.  

Tom teaches Strategy Renewal, Strategy Implementation, New Venture Growth & Scaling, and Strategic Entrepreneurship to executives and entrepreneurs, and to PhD and master students.

He advises and trains leadership teams and entrepreurs of private and public frims in areas like increasing profitable growth, leadership development, strategic renewal, scaling-up, innovation, and strategy execution.

Tom obtained a PhD in Strategic Management and a Master’s degree in Strategic Management (Cum Laude) from Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), and a Master’s Degree in International Management from the Community of European Management Schools (CEMS) preceded by an exchange to the Universität St.Gallen, Switzerland. He used to be a visiting scholar at the University of Geneva at the chair for Strategic Management.

Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University

Full professor | Department of Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship
Burg. Oudlaan 50, Rotterdam


  • Tom Mom & Justin Jansen (15 oktober 2021) - Top 250 growth companies in the Netherlands created 50,000 jobs last year

  • Tom Mom (2014) - Unknown event
  • Tom Mom (2014) - Unknown event
  • Tom Mom (2013) - Unknown event
  • Justin Jansen & Tom Mom (2012) - Unknown event
  • Tom Mom (2011) - Responsible Corporate Competitiveness (RoCC) research talk
  • Justin Jansen & Tom Mom (2011) - Unknown event
  • Tom Mom (2011) - Unknown event
  • Justin Jansen & Tom Mom (2010) - Unknown event
  • Tom Mom (2010) - Unknown event
  • Tom Mom (2010) - Unknown event

Het Nederlands Vlaams Bijbelgenootschap

Start date approval
juli 2021
End date approval
juli 2024

Het Groeicollege - De Ondernemer

Start date approval
november 2022
End date approval
november 2025


Start date approval
januari 2024
End date approval
januari 2027


Start date approval
januari 2024
End date approval
januari 2027

Build to Grow BV

Start date approval
februari 2024
End date approval
december 2024

Research Clinic

Year Level
Course Code

  • Sebastian Fourné

    Managing Organizational Tensions: A Multi-level Perspective on Exploration, Exploitation, and Ambidexterity
  • Aybars Tuncdogan

    Decision Making and Behavioral Strategy: The role of regulatory focus in corporate innovation processes
  • Radina Blagoeva

    The Hard Power Of Soft Power: A behavioral strategy perspective on how power, reputation, and status affect firms
  • Pepijn van Neerijnen

    The Adaptive Organization: The Socio-Cognitive Antecedents of Ambidexterity and Individual Exploration
  • Syed Gilani

    Project Syed Gilani
  • Suzana Varga

    Scale-up DNA: How do fast-growing organizations sustain their growth over time?
  • Saeedeh Ahmadi

    A motivational perspective to decision-making and behavior in organizations
  • Mahdi Shahriari

    PhD in Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship
  • Yassine Lamrani Abou Elassad

    From start-up to scale-up: a multilevel framework on regional- and firm-level aspects that drive fast growth
  • Hesam Fasaei

    Changing the Narrative: The Behavioral Effects of Social Evaluations on the Decision Making of Organizations
  • Anuj Kantilal Tater

    PhD in Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship
  • Alexander Schmidt

    BDA Leadership Skills – The New Skill Requirements Category for the Zettabyte Era
  • Syed Gilani

    Strategic renewal: By means of an Ambidextrous Organization (Journey – Leadership, dynamic management capabilities, and scaling of new businesses)
  • Gauri Sharma

    PhD in Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship
  • Zhirong Fan

    PhD in Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship
  • Alexandra Claudia Mariëlle Bul

    PhD in Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship
  • Lonneke Cornelia Margaretha Maria Weterings

    PhD in Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship
  • Agnieszka Genc

    The Triad of Innovation: Exploring Management Innovation, Business Model Innovation, and Ownership in Unlocking Firms’ Innovative Potential

News regarding prof.dr. (Tom) TJM Mom

Pas op voor de eenheidsworst

Tom Mom doet onderzoek naar vriendschap op de werkvloer. Vriendschapsbanden zijn belangrijk, maar er is een kantelpunt. “Het moet geen gesloten clubje worden dat

Waarde creëren – maar hoe?

Prof. dr. Tom Mom spreekt vrijdag 22 februari zijn oratie uit aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.

Vergelijk @count opleiding

  • @title

    • Tijdsduur: @duration
Vergelijk opleidingen