Sandra van Thiel (1968) is professor of Public Management at the Department of Public Administration and Sociology of Erasmus University Rotterdam. She obtained her master's degree at the Catholic University Nijmegen (with honours, 1992) and her PhD degree at the University of Utrecht (2000). She worked at Erasmus University Rotterdam (1998-2011), Radboud University Nijmegen (2012-2023), and as of May 2020 again in Rotterdam. She was executive director of the Netherlands Institute of Government (2004-2009), research coordinator of the parliamentary inquiry into privatization and agencification for the Dutch Senate (2011-2012), vice dean of the Nijmegen School of Management (2015-2020), and editor in chief of the International Journal of Public Sector Management IJPSM (2015-2023). In 2023 she was appointed as team lead for the team Organization & Management, at DPAS/EUR. Sandra is a member of the KHMW and the KNAW.
Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences
More information
- Virginia Angius & Sandra van Thiel (2024) - Citizen satisfaction with arm's length bodies in local government: expert insights on policy and practice - International Journal of Public Sector Management, 37 (6), 748-767 - doi: 10.1108/IJPSM-01-2024-0015 - [link]
- Joëlle van der Meer, Brenda Vermeeren, Sandra van Thiel & Bram Steijn (2024) - The bureaucrat, the entrepreneur, and the networker: Developing and validating measurement scales for civil servants’ role perceptions - Public Administration Review, 84 (3), 500-518 - doi: 10.1111/puar.13702 - [link]
- Glenn Houtgraaf, Peter Kruyen & Sandra van Thiel (2024) - Public servants’ creativity: Salient stimulators and inhibitors a longitudinal qualitative digital diary study - Public Management Review, 26 (3), 591-612 - doi: 10.1080/14719037.2022.2103175 - [link]
- Sandra van Thiel & Koen Migchelbrink (2023) - Blame or Karma?: The attribution of Blame in the Childcare Benefits Affair - Recht der Werkelijkheid, 44 (2), 38-60 - doi: 10.5553/RdW/138064242023044002002
- Sandra van Thiel & A Cheung (2023) - Governance and leadership in the COVID crisis - [link]
- Bruce D. McDonald, Jeremy L. Hall, Janine O'Flynn & Sandra van Thiel (2022) - The future of public administration research: An editor's perspective - Public Administration, 100 (1), 59-71 - doi: 10.1111/padm.12829 - [link]
- Sandra van Thiel (2022) - Bestuurskundig onderzoek: Een methodologische inleiding - [link]
- Sandra van Thiel (2022) - Research methods for public management and administration - [link]
- Joëlle van der Meer, Brenda Vermeeren, Sandra van Thiel & Bram Steijn (2022) - The bureaucrat, the entrepreneur, and the networker: developing and validating a measurement scale for civil servants’ role perceptions
- Glenn Houtgraaf, Peter M. Kruyen & Sandra van Thiel (2021) - Public sector creativity as the origin of public sector innovation: A taxonomy and future research agenda - Public Administration - doi: 10.1111/padm.12778 - [link]
- Sandra van Thiel & AJ Smullen (2021) - Principals and agents, or principals and stewards?: Australian arm’s length agencies’ perceptions of arm’s length government instruments - Public Performance and Management Review, 44 (4), 758-784 - doi: 10.1080/15309576.2021.1881803 - [link]
- Sandra van Thiel (2021) - Blame avoidance, scapegoats and spin: Why Dutch politicians don’t evaluate ZBO-outcomes - Public Policy and Administration - doi: 10.1177/09520767211022490 - [link]
- WH Yee & Sandra van Thiel (2021) - Global reform meets local context: cultural compatibility and practice adoption in public sector reform - International Journal of Public Sector Management, 34 (2), 224-240 - doi: 10.1108/ijpsm-02-2020-0037 - [link]
- Sandra van Thiel (2021) - “Verzelfstandiging van overheidsdiensten”: Nog altijd actueel - Bestuurskunde, 28 - doi: 10.5553/bk/092733872021030002004
- P Zwaan, Sandra Thiel & M Zonneveld (2020) - Strategizing in agency reform: a longitudinal case study from The Netherlands - Public Money and Management - doi: 10.1080/09540962.2020.1859749 - [link]
- Sandra van Thiel (2020) - Kantelpunt: Op naar een nieuwe aanpak van problemen in de uitvoering van beleid - Bestuurskunde, 4, 66-71 - doi: 10.5553/Bk/092733872020029004007 - [link]
- R Blom, PM Kruyen, Sandra Thiel & BJM van der Heijden (2020) - ‘Through the looking-glass’: addressing methodological issues in analyzing within- and between-sector differences in employee attitudes and behaviors - International Public Management Journal - doi: 10.1080/10967494.2020.1811816 - [link]
- B van der Voorn, ML van Genugten & Sandra van Thiel (2020) - Re-interpreting re-municipalization: finding equilibrium - Journal of Economic Policy Reform, 24 (3), 305-318 - doi: 10.1080/17487870.2019.1701455 - [link]
- Sandra van Thiel (2023) - Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen (External organisation) (Chair)
Activiteit: Membership of network › Academic - Sandra van Thiel (2023) - Wetenschappelijke Adviesraad voor de Politie (External organisation) (Chair)
Activiteit: Membership of committee › Academic - J (Jolien) Grandia, K (Koen) Migchelbrink, S (Sandra) van Thiel & RA (Rowie) Huijbregts (2021) - NIG Conference 2021 (Chair)
Activiteit: Organising and contributing to an event › Academic - Sandra van Thiel (2020) - Position paper over omvorming ProRail (Consultant)
Activiteit: Consultancy › Professional - Sandra van Thiel (2020) - Problemen in de uitvoering van beleid: Barbertje moet hangen (Consultant)
Activiteit: Consultancy › Professional - Sandra van Thiel (2020) - Position paper voor de Tijdelijke Commissie Uitvoeringsorganisaties van de Tweede Kamer. (Consultant)
Activiteit: Consultancy › Professional - Sandra Thiel (2017) - Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen (External organisation) (Member)
Activiteit: Membership of committee › Academic - Sandra Thiel (2017) - Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen (External organisation) (Member)
Activiteit: Membership of committee › Academic - Sandra Thiel (2017) - Provincie Gelderland (External organisation) (Member)
Activiteit: Membership of committee › Academic - Sandra Thiel (2016) - Vereniging Hogescholen (External organisation) (Member)
Activiteit: Membership of committee › Academic
- Sandra van Thiel, R.B. Bouwman, A.M.A. van Deemen & E.A.J.A. Rouwette (2016) - IRSPM Best Paper award for the paper: Public Accountability in coalition negotiations, evidence from a face-to-face negotiating experiment
- Sandra van Thiel & S.P. Overman (2016) - Kooiman award best article in Public Management Review in 2016
- Sandra van Thiel, E. Rouwette, R.B. Bouwman & A. van Deemen (2015) - IRSPM Best Paper award: Accountability and Coalitions: Evidence from a Negotiation Experiment
Nationale Politie
- Start date approval
- oktober 2023
- End date approval
- oktober 2026
- Place
- Description
- Voorzitter wetenschappelijke adviesraad politie
1.3C Designing Social Research
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- ESSB-SBC1061
1.3C Designing Social Research
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
4.3 Internship Master Public Management
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- FSWBM-1140
4.1 Publiek Management
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- FSWBM-1200
1.6C Organisation & Management
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- FSWSB-1060
1.3C Designing Social Research
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- FSWSB-1030
4.3 Thesis Master Public Management
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- FSWBM-1060
4.3 Master's thesis/Final Res. Proj. IMP
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- FSWBM-4171