prof.dr. RR (Ruard) Ganzevoort


How can we create better futures for people? How can we live together and grow from differences? How can our fundamental values inform our work and life more fruitfully? These questions guide my career. I am the rector of the International Institute of Social Studies in Den Haag (part of Erasmus University Rotterdam) as well as professor of Lived Religion and Development. My aim is to support ISS in becoming even more visible, effective, and innovative as a leading center of expertise in development studies. Personally, I have a background in the study of religion, combining theology, religious studies, and social sciences. I have published on narrative approaches, trauma, sexuality, popular culture, and societal challenges. My research focuses on lived religion, how people shape their relationship to the sacred and how they relate to the tradition(s) from which they draw. Parallel to my academic career, I have worked in politics, church, and (hospitality) business.

International Institute of Social Studies

Dean | International Institute of Social Studies

International Institute of Social Studies

Full professor | International Institute of Social Studies

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Oikocredit Nederland

Start date approval
september 2023
End date approval
september 2026
Voorzitter Raad van Toezicht

News regarding prof.dr. RR (Ruard) Ganzevoort

Veelgestelde vragen over het voorlopig advies van ACGS

Het uitgebrachte voorlopig advies van de adviescommissie heeft het nodige stof doen opwaaien. Voorzitter Ruard Ganzevoort beantwoordt de belangrijkste vragen.
Rotterdam - skyline - groen - duurzaam

EUR onderzoekt diverse samenwerkingsbanden met externe partners

Deze week starten twee commissies die diverse samenwerkingsverbanden gaan onderzoeken die de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam heeft met externe partners.
Campustuin Woudestein in de zon.

Ruard Ganzevoort nieuwe rector International Institute of Social Studies

Ontmoet de nieuwe rector van ISS. Hij vervangt de huidige rector, Professor Inge Hutter.
Ruard Ganzenvoort

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