**Rianne Kok is an associate professor at the Department of Psychology, Education and Child Studies, specialized in clinical child and family studies. She is member of the EUR network Peer Relations Researchers (PRR-EUR).** She graduated at the University of Amsterdam in Clinical Neuropsychology and received her PhD at the Centre for Child and Family Studies at Leiden University. Her scientific work bridges a variety of disciplines, including clinical and cognitive psychology, and child and family studies. She endeavours to explore how early social relationships and interactions shape the regulation of cognitive and emotional processes that help one to function according to social norms and standards in society. She is fascinated by the question why some children struggle with self-regulation more so than others, and propose that these regulation differences can be key to explain the intergenerational patterns we observe in psychiatric problems, problem behaviours, but also in socio-economic adversities. Overall, her work contributes to a better understanding of the social origins of children’s regulation of behaviour, emotions, and cognition. She studies these processes in an ecologically valid way to better understand children’s ability to socially adapt in naturalistic settings. Specific research topics vary from infant emotion regulation, to child inhibition, delay of gratification, and frustration tolerance, to parent and child lying. Rianne Kok specializes in using observational paradigms and coding schemes to study the interaction and (dyadic) regulation of parents and children. She is involved in two studies on parenting capacities of high-risk mothers in relation to the development of self-regulation capacities of their infants, in collaboration with the Erasmus Medical Center. With the 2016 EUR Fellowship grant she conducts an innovative study on child regulation in social contexts, using direct observations of behavior of children and social partners at home and in schools. With a unique study design and sophisticated observation tools, she studies how social interactions shape regulation in children and determine early school success, in order to provide practical advice for kindergarten teachers on how to guide children in making a successful transition to formal schooling. Rianne Kok coordinates courses on Child Behavior- and Learning Problems (Bachelor level), Attunement between caregiving and education contexts (Bachelor level) and Advanced Diagnostics (Master level). Moreover, she is involved in the development and coordination of the academic writing skills curriculum, and supervises BA-level and MA-level students for their internship and thesis.
Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences
More information
- Emma Roza, Ines Lucieer, Daphne van de Bongardt, Maartje Luijk & Rianne Kok (2024) - Parental lying to children: A systematic review - Journal of Family Theory and Review, 16 (4), 804-833 - doi: 10.1111/jftr.12592 - [link]
- Lisanne Schröer, Victoria Talwar, Maartje Luijk & Rianne Kok (2024) - Infant–parent attachment and lie-telling in young children: The Generation R Study - Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 247 - doi: 10.1016/j.jecp.2024.106044 - [link]
- MA Hillen, E Hoeben, Rianne Kok, Calum McHale, Melissa Sexton, S van der Asdonk, Daphne van de Bongardt, B Bowman, Richard Brown, Susan J T Branje, Jill Chorney, Monika Donker, Peter Ejbye-Ernst, S Geeraerts, Danielle van der Giessen, Gerald Humphris, Helle Larsen, Richard Philpot, Mariona Portell, Siyang Yuan, Chiel van der Veen & Janneke Noordman (2024) - Guidelines for reporting research using systematic coding of observed human behaviour (SCOBe) - Quality and Quantity - doi: 10.1007/s11135-024-01969-9
- Vandhana Choenni, Carlinde W. Broeks, Anne Tharner, Maartje P.C.M. Luijk, Frank C. Verhulst, Mijke P. Lambregtse-van den Berg & Rianne Kok (2024) - Attachment security and disorganization in infants of mothers with severe psychiatric disorder: Exploring the role of comorbid personality disorder - Infant Behavior and Development, 76 - doi: 10.1016/j.infbeh.2024.101974 - [link]
- Anne Tharner, Marije L Verhage, Mirjam Oosterman, M Abrahamse, Lianne Bakkum, Elisabeth M. Van Dijk-Lokkart, Mirte L Forrer, Hans Giltaij, Frank van der Horst, C. Jonkman, Rianne Kok, Maartje Luijk, F.Y. Scheper, Carlo Schuengel & Paula S. Sterkenburg (2024) - Meten is weten? Dilemma’s bij het in kaart brengen van gehechtheid in onderzoek en praktijk - Tijdschrift voor Orthopedagogiek, 63 (3), 50-61 - [link]
- Frank van der Horst, Rianne Kok & Maartje Luijk (2024) - Hechten. Menselijke emoties, relaties en ontwikkeling
- Emma Roza, Maartje Luijk, Daphne van de Bongardt & Rianne Kok (2024) - Observation of Parental Lying: A Novel Coding Scheme - [link]
- Emma Roza, Maartje Luijk, Daphne van de Bongardt & Rianne Kok (2024) - Observation of Parental Lying: A Novel Coding Scheme - [link]
- Frank van der Horst, Rianne Kok & Maartje Luijk (2024) - Inleiding - [link]
- Maartje Luijk, Rianne Kok & Frank van der Horst (2024) - Slotbeschouwing - [link]
- Rianne Kok (30 oktober 2019) - Rianne studies lying
- Rianne Kok (28 oktober 2019) - Erasmus University Rotterdam wants to know when you lie
- Rianne Kok (28 oktober 2019) - Research about lying: when does lying go too far?
- Rianne Kok (30 november 2018) - We weten niet wat liegen voor effect heeft op kinderen
- Rianne Kok (10 april 2018) - EUR: slachtoffers huiselijk geweld vaak als kind mishandeld
- Rianne Kok (2024) - Liever liegen? De rol van leugens in de opvoeding (Speaker)
Activiteit: Invited talk › Professional - Rianne Kok (2024) - Pinocchio’s child: Do we socialize our children to become liars? (Speaker)
Activiteit: Invited talk › Academic - Rianne Kok (2024) - Coding systems in observational research: How to select, modify or develop a coding system that fits your research purpose (Speaker)
Activiteit: Invited talk › Academic - Rianne Kok (2022) - Happy for Us not Them: P. Brandner (Examiner)
Activiteit: Examination › Academic - Natalie Tucker, Rianne Kok, Jennifer Clegg & Katherine Rice Warnell (2021) - Big Little Lies: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Prosocial Lying to Children Outside of Parental Contexts (Speaker)
Activiteit: Oral presentation › Academic - Rianne Kok (2021) - Examining Variability of Young Children’s Self-Regulation Across Context: Findings From Naturalistic Approaches in Four Countries (Speaker)
Activiteit: Oral presentation › Academic - D (Daphne) van de Bongardt, R (Rianne) Kok, M (Michelle) Achterberg, SI (Sari) Hogye, FM (Frank) Weerman, J (Joran) Jongerling, MC (Miranda) Lutz & LP (Linda) Dekker (2021) - Annual Peer Relations Onderzoekers (PRO) conference (Participant)
Activiteit: Organising and contributing to an event › Academic - Rianne Kok (2019) - Intergenerational transmission of self-regulation within families: Evidence of mechanisms from three large longitudinal birth cohorts. (Speaker)
Activiteit: Oral presentation › Academic - Peter Prinzie, V Over De Vest, W M van Eldik, AD de Haan, Nicole Lucassen, Rianne Kok, Marike Deutz & Ank Ringoot (2019) - Differential susceptibility: A longitudinal study of the moderating effect of personality on the relationship between parenting and self-efficacy (Speaker)
Activiteit: Oral presentation › Academic - Rianne Kok (2018) - Volksziekte nummer 1? Liegen door kinderen en ouders. (Speaker)
Activiteit: Oral presentation › Popular
- Rianne Kok (2022) - Impact Journey Award
- Rianne Kok (2019) - ERC Starting Grant
- Ingmar Franken, Rianne Kok & PAC (Pol) van Lier (2017) - Erasmus Initiative Grant
- Rianne Kok (2016) - EUR Fellowship
- Rianne Kok & Mijke van den Berg (2011) - Sophia Foundation Grant