Dr. Lieke Oldenhof is Associate Professor in anthropology of the changing welfare state at the Erasmus School of Health Policy and Management. She is member of the daily board of the healthcare governance department.
Her research focuses on how citizens, professionals and public managers reconfigure the welfare state at the local level: in cities, neighbourhoods and communities. Drawing from anthropology, pragmatic sociology, public administration and urban health, she generates new transdisciplinary insights about how the transformation of the welfare state can become more inclusive and reduce rising health inequalities.
To ensure societal impact, her research projects and education are co-productions with partners like citizen initiatives, local welfare organizations and city goverments. To more structurally embed collaboration, she co-founded the CARE Lab Rotterdam (Connect, Action, Research, Education). The goal of the CARE Lab is to jointly do action research together with citizens, professionals and policymakers in order to contribute to personalized and integrated support for citizens with multiple interlocking problems (health, debts, precarious work and housing). She is also member of the Young Erasmus Academy and in this capacity involved in the development of Recognition & Rewards Policies at EUR and school level.
Lieke received several prizes and grants. She finished her PhD cum laude: an ethnographic study about how public managers deal with conflicting values in the changing welfare state. For this research, she won the best PhD thesis award of the Karolinska Medical Management Centre and European Health Management Association. Her article ‘On Justification Work’ in Public Administration Review was awarded with the best Published Article Award by the Academy of Management. In 2018, she obtained a Veni grant by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) to investigate public encounters between citizens and professionals in the changing local welfare state. In 2019, she received the Frans Rutten Research Award for Research Talent at ESHPM. In 2023, she co-obtained a Horizon grant CityMove: city-based interventions to stimulate active movement for health. She is WP lead of action research in city living labs (Europe, Latin America, Africa).
Research themes:
- Wicked problems in society, such as unequal citizen participation, rising health inequalities, unhealthy living environments, digital surveillance and discrimination.
- Transformation of welfare states at the local level:
- Citizen participation
- Healthy placemaking
- Prevention
- Digitalization
- Personalization
- Boundary-crossing governance
- Value and system complexity
- Trans-disciplinary research
Research methods:
- Multi-sited ethnography (from micro practies to macro policy)
- Participatory action research
- Shadowing of key stakeholders
- Narrative conversation analysis
Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management
More information
- Eline Linthorst & Lieke Oldenhof (2024) - Over de rechtspositie van de burger bij de toepassing van maatwerk: een kwalitatief empirische studie van de Wmo 2015 - Handicap & Recht, 1 (8), 14-38 - doi: 10.5553/henr/246893352024008001003
- Eline Linthorst & Lieke Oldenhof (2024) - Maatwerk als open norm: grenzenwerk bij de verdeling van taken in het huishouden - Bestuurskunde, 33 (4) - doi: 10.5553/Bk/092733872024033004004
- Jonathan Berg, Lieke Oldenhof, Kim Putters & Jeroen van Wijngaarden (2024) - Which client is worthy of using discretion?: Analysing storytelling practices of Dutch street-level bureaucrats in inter-departmental settings. - Journal of Social Policy, 1-20 - doi: 10.1017/s0047279424000199
- Jonathan Berg, Jeroen van Wijngaarden & Lieke Oldenhof (2024) - Kennisagenda bestaansonzekerheid en dementie: Over de wisselwerking tussen bestaansonzekerheid en het ontstaan, verloop en de beleving van dementie in Nederland - [link]
- Mirjam Kalisvaart, Marjolijn Heerings, Lieke Oldenhof & Anne Margriet Pot (2024) - The use of narrative approaches to improve quality of care in the long-term care setting: a scoping review - International Psychogeriatrics, 36, 60-61 - doi: 10.1017/s1041610224001571 - [link]
- Jonathan Berg, Jeroen van Wijngaarden & Lieke Oldenhof (2024) - Ruimte voor geldschenken in vertrouwen: Over experimenterend leren, controverse en betekenisgeving bij het Bouwdepot en vergelijkbare aanpakken
- Rik Wehrens, Iris Wallenburg & Lieke Oldenhof (2024) - Sphere transgressions in health and social care: reflections on the role of the embedded social scientist - Information Communication and Society, 27 (15), 2634-2649 - doi: 10.1080/1369118X.2024.2314546 - [link]
- Lieke Oldenhof, Margot Kersing & Liesbet van Zoonen (2024) - Sphere transgressions in the Dutch digital welfare state: causing harm to citizens when legal rules, ethical norms and quality procedures are lacking - Information Communication and Society, 27 (15), 2704-2720 - doi: 10.1080/1369118X.2024.2358163 - [link]
- Lieke Oldenhof & Roland Bal (2023) - Regulatory leadership: conducting mundane work to 'tailor' rules - doi: 10.4337/9781800886254.00030
- Sabrina Huizenga, Hester van de Bovenkamp, Lieke Oldenhof & Roland Bal (2023) - The clocks run at slightly different speeds. Clashing timeframes in COVID-19 health risk governance - Health, Risk and Society, 25 (7-8), 366-386 - doi: 10.1080/13698575.2023.2255619 - [link]
- Janet Ressang-Wildschut, Lieke Oldenhof & Ian Leistikow (2023) - Can leadership make the difference?: A scoping review of leadership and its effects in child and youth care - Children and Youth Services Review, 150 - doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2023.107017 - [link]
- Hugo Peeters, Lieke E. Oldenhof, Wilma van der Scheer & Kim Putters (2023) - Bedtime negotiations: Unravelling normative complexity in hospital-based prevention - Sociology of Health and Illness, 45 (5), 1082-1100 - doi: 10.1111/1467-9566.13633 - [link]
- Rik Wehrens, Lieke Oldenhof, Marjolijn Heerings, Violet Petit-Steeghs, Sander van Haperen, Roland Bal & Trisha Greenhalgh (2023) - Integrating System Dynamics and Action Research: Towards a Consideration of Normative Complexity Comment on “Insights Gained From a Re-analysis of Five Improvement Cases in Healthcare Integrating System Dynamics Into Action Research” - International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 12 (1) - doi: 10.34172/ijhpm.2023.7582 - [link]
- Sabrina Huizenga, Lieke Oldenhof, Hester van de Bovenkamp & Roland Bal (2023) - Governing the resilient city: An empirical analysis of governing techniques - Cities, 135 - doi: 10.1016/j.cities.2023.104237 - [link]
- Lieke Oldenhof, Sabrina Huizenga, Hester van de Bovenkamp & Roland Bal (2023) - Stadslabs als experimentele tussenruimte: nieuwe waardenafwegingen in stedelijke ontwikkeling - Bestuurskunde, (2) - [link]
- Jonathan Berg, Jeroen van Wijngaarden & Lieke Oldenhof (2022) - Los maken wat vast zit: Evaluatie van het PRIO programma, gericht op het helpen van kwetsbare Rotterdammers die vastlopen in het systeem
- Lieke Oldenhof & Eline Linthorst (2022) - Public encounters and the role of citizens' impression management - doi: 10.4337/9781800889330.00021
- Margot Kersing, Liesbet van Zoonen, Kim Putters & Lieke Oldenhof (2022) - The changing roles of frontline bureaucrats in the digital welfare state: The case of a data dashboard in Rotterdam’s Work and Income department - Data & Policy, 4 (E24) - doi: 10.1017/dap.2022.16 - [link]
- Lieke Oldenhof (2025) - Caring geographies. The region as a place of care (Examiner)
Activiteit: Examination › Academic - Lieke Oldenhof (2025) - Positioning Dynamics: Dealing with the risks of incongruent perspectives and domination in collaborative decision-making about preventive healthcare (Examiner)
Activiteit: Examination › Academic - Lieke Oldenhof (2024) - Examination PhD dissertation (Examiner)
Activiteit: Examination › Academic - Lieke Oldenhof (2024) - Examination PhD dissertation (Examiner)
Activiteit: Examination › Academic - Lieke Oldenhof (2024) - Examination PhD dissertation (Examiner)
Activiteit: Examination › Academic - Lieke Oldenhof (2024) - Erasmus University Rotterdam (Organisational unit) (Chair)
Activiteit: Membership of committee › Academic - Lieke Oldenhof (2023) - Maatwerk in tijden van schaarste (Participant)
Activiteit: Organising and contributing to an event › Professional - Lieke Oldenhof (2023) - University of New South Wales (External organisation) (Member)
Activiteit: Membership of committee › Academic - Lieke Oldenhof (2023) - Examination PhD dissertation (Examiner)
Activiteit: Examination › Academic - Lieke Oldenhof (2023) - Health Care Governance (HCG) (Organisational unit) (Member)
Activiteit: Membership of committee › Academic
- LE (Lieke) Oldenhof (2019) - Frans Rutten Research Award for Research Talent
- Lieke Oldenhof (2016) - Best PhD Thesis Award by the Karolinska Medical Management Centre and the European Health Management Association
- Kim Putters, Lieke Oldenhof & J. Postma (2015) - Best Article Award Academy of Management for 'Justification work: how compromising enables public managers to deal with conflicting values'
Module Knowledge
- Level
- bachelor 1
- Year Level
- bachelor 1
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- GW103K
Module Knowledge
- Level
- bachelor 2
- Year Level
- bachelor 2
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- GW208K
Integration project
- Level
- bachelor 2
- Year Level
- bachelor 2
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- GW208I
Module Knowledge
- Level
- Bachelor 3
- Year Level
- Bachelor 3
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- GW309K
Module Knowledge
- Level
- bachelor 1
- Year Level
- bachelor 1
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- GW101K
Integration project
- Level
- bachelor 1
- Year Level
- bachelor 1
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- GW103I
Comparative Health Policy
- Year Level
- master, master
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- GW4574M
Thesis HCM
- Level
- master
- Year Level
- master
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- GW4030MV