(Josje) JJ de Vogel


Josje de Vogel is an assistant professor affiliated with the Department of Law & Business at Erasmus School of Law, Erasmus University Rotterdam. She is associated with the sectorplan SSH breed, focusing on the effects of digitalization on work, prosperity, and entrepreneurship. Her research interests primarily include consumer protection, sustainability, mobility, and digitalization.

Erasmus School of Law

Researcher | Civil Law
Burg. Oudlaan 50, Rotterdam


  • Josje de Vogel, Alberto Quintavalla, Martien Schaub, Cees Zweistra, Enrique Santamaria Echeverria, Julia Krämer, Clara Boggini, Klaus Heine, Madeleine Merkx, Sascha van Schendel & Vladimir Belev (2024) - Law & Digitalisation research seminar
  • Josje de Vogel, Martien Schaub, Julie Hoppenbrouwers, Alberto Quintavalla, Shu Li, Wouter Scherpenisse, Sascha van Schendel, Sean Brüggemann, Eugene Pyun & Pim Jansen (2024) - Law & Digitalisation research seminar
  • Josje de Vogel (2024) - De transitie van eigendom van mobiliteit naar gebruik van mobiliteit: Trapt het EU-consumentenrecht op de rem?
  • Josje de Vogel (2022) - EU consumer law: The brake pedal in the transition to sustainable mobility usership?
  • Josje de Vogel (2022) - EU consumer law: the brake pedal for sustainable mobility usership? - An Empirical approach
  • Josje de Vogel (2022) - ELS Pre-conference PhD Day, Leuven
  • Josje de Vogel (2022) - Mobility Usership and Consumer protection
  • Josje de Vogel (2021) - ATLAS Agora PhD Summer School
  • Josje de Vogel (2020) - Privaatrecht in werking: Consument & Mobiliteit
  • Josje de Vogel (2019) - Privaatrecht in werking: Consument & mobiliteit

  • Georgia Antonopoulou, Sophia Paulini, Josje de Vogel & L. Wells (2019) - Law Out Loud

Law of Obligations

Year Level
bachelor 2, bachelor 2

Research Lab Civil Law

Year Level

Property Law in Action

Year Level

Private law in Practice

Year Level

Legal Academic Skills III

bachelor 3
Year Level
bachelor 3

Law of Obligations

Year Level
bachelor 2, bachelor 2

News regarding (Josje) JJ de Vogel

"Soms is een lekke band of pechhulp niet eens gedekt"

Welke rechten heb je als gebruiker van deelscooters en private leaseauto’s? Daarop promoveert Josje de Vogel.
Deelscooters van Check en Felyx staan geparkeerd naast elkaar.

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