prof.dr. E (Elena) Kantorowicz - Reznichenko


**Prof. Dr. Elena Kantorowicz-Reznichenko** has an interdisciplinary background, having obtained degrees in law, psychology and law and economics. Her research focuses on empirical legal studies where she employs empirical methods to investigate questions of law in different areas such as constitutional law, copyright law, administrative law, and international criminal law. She is also an international expert on day fines, with a particular focus on European national criminal justice systems. Finally, she is also conducting research in the field of International Criminal Law. Due to the novelty and societal relevance of her research, Elena has obtained different grants to execute her studies. She has been publishing in leading international journals and with renowned publishing houses. Elena Kantorowicz-Reznichenko is a member of the ESL's Research Ethics Review Committee (RERC) as well as the academic coordinator of the European Doctorate in Law and Economics. In addition, Elena has recently established and co-directing the Erasmus Centre of Empirical Legal Studies (ECELS), which is focused on promoting the application of empirical methods, including computational methods, in legal research and education in The Netherlands. Before starting her academic career, Elena worked as a criminal prosecutor in the District Attorney’s Office in Israel.  


Erasmus School of Law

Full professor | Law and Economics

Erasmus School of Law

Associate professor | Law and Economics


News regarding prof.dr. E (Elena) Kantorowicz - Reznichenko

Is het legaal en wenselijk om verkeersboetes te verhogen om de begroting te dichten?

Volgens Elena Kantorowicz-Reznichenko, hoogleraar Quantitative Empirical Legal Studies, zijn verkeersboetes nooit bedoeld als inkomstenbron voor de overheid.
Elena Kantorowicz-Reznichenko

7 onderzoekers Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam en Erasmus MC ontvangen NWO SGW Open Competitie beurs

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Zijn inkomensafhankelijke boetes rechtvaardig?

Elena Kantorowicz-Reznichenko, hoogleraar Quantitative Emperical Legal Studies aan Erasmus School of Law, acht inkomensafhankelijke boetes rechtvaardiger.
Elena Kantorowicz-Reznichenko