(Ale) A Smidts


Ale Smidts is a professor of marketing research and director of RSM's Erasmus Center for Neuroeconomics. Professor Smidts is the former chair of the Department of Marketing Management, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM, 2012- 2020), the former scientific director of ERIM (2004-2011) and the former dean of RSM Research. He was a board member of the Social Science and Humanities Division (SGW/NWO) of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) from 2012-2019. Since 2015 he is a member of the Advisory Board of the Neuromarketing Science and Business Association (NMSBA).

Professor Smidts current research focus is decision neuroscience and neuromarketing, including the neural processes underlying consumer decision making, social influence and dishonesty. Work in neuromarketing is focused brain metrics predicting market-level success. 

His work on decision neuroscience and neuromarketing has appeared in the Journal of Marketing Research, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Psychological Science, the Journal of Economic Psychology, the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Marketing Letters and in major journals in the field of neuroscience such as the Journal of Neuroscience, Social Cognitive & Affective Neuroscience, Nature Reviews Neuroscience, Neuroimage, PNAS, TICS and Neuron.

His previous work on behavioral decision making, risk attitudes and persuasive communication has appeared in major journals in the field of management such as Management Science, the Academy of Management Journal, Marketing Science, the International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Consumer Psychology and the Journal of Consumer Research.

Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University

Full professor | Department of Marketing Management
Burg. Oudlaan 50, Rotterdam

More information


  • Rob van Tulder, Maarten Boksem, Ale Smidts, Harwin de Vries, Pursey Heugens, Gerrit van Bruggen, Wolf Wagner, Aurelie Lemmens, Julija Mell, Rommert Dekker & Hang Chan (1 december 2021) - ERIM recognises outstanding researchers with annual awards
  • Maarten Boksem & Ale Smidts (12 februari 2020) - Machine learning technology allows us to track emotional experiences

  • Ale Smidts (2015) - Journal of Consumer Psychology (Journal)
  • Ale Smidts (2009) - Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics (Journal)
  • Ale Smidts (2004) - Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERiM) (External organisation)
  • Ale Smidts (2002) - Academy of Management Journal (Journal)
  • Ale Smidts, AThH Pruyn & Cees Riel (2000) - Managing organizational identification through employee communication
  • Ale Smidts (1999) - Journal of Marketing Research (Journal)
  • AThH Pruyn & Ale Smidts (1998) - Customers' reactions to waiting: Effects of the presence of 'fellow sufferers' in the waiting room
  • AThH Pruyn & Ale Smidts (1997) - Consumer time orientation: Conceptualization and cross-national differences
  • Ale Smidts (1997) - Jaarboek NVMI (Journal)
  • AThH Pruyn & Ale Smidts (1996) - Waiting for service: Cognitive and affective responses to delay

  • Ale Smidts & Maarten Boksem (2021) - MOA Scientist of the Year Award 2021
  • Ale Smidts (2019) - ERIM Top Article Award 2019
  • Ale Smidts (2017) - Jan Benedict E.M. Steenkamp Award for Long-Term Impact
  • Ale Smidts (2007) - IJRM Best Paper Award 2007
  • Ale Smidts (2002) - ERIM Top Article Award 2002

MarktOnderzoekAssociatie (MOA)

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TKI Dinalog

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Current Topics in Marketing Research

Year Level
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Year Level
master, master, master, master
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Year Level
bachelor 3, bachelor, bachelor 3
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  • Joost van Rosmalen

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  • Mirjam Tuk

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  • Sebastian Speer

    The (dis)honest and (un)fair brain Investigating the neural underpinnings of moral decisions
  • Anika Stuppy

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  • Leonard Diederik van Brussel

    Doctoral Research in Marketing (Decision Neuroscience)
  • Marina Lenkovskaya

    Doctoral Research in Marketing (Marketing Science, Consumer Behaviour or Consumer Neuroscience
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