AfroEuro foundation conference

RGHI Members at the AfroEuro Convention.
RGHI Members at the AfroEuro Convention.

On December 15, 2023, Arjun Bedi and Zemzem Shigute participated in a conference organized by the AfroEuro foundation. 

Bedi is Professor of Development Economics and Deputy Rector for Research at the International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University Rotterdam. Shigute is an Assistant Professor of Global Health and Development at the International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University Rotterdam. But also, a Research Affiliate at the Institute of Development and Policy Research, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia.  

The event held soon after Universal Health Coverage Day focuses on the role of young African policy makers in helping to achieve UHC. The two spoke on their experiences and research on scaling up of health insurance schemes in Ethiopia.

About RGHI
The Rotterdam Global Health Initiative (RGHI) is the multi-disciplinary global health research and education network of Erasmus University and Erasmus MC. Through our research and education efforts, we seek to help diminish health inequalities between and within countries, improve people’s living conditions, and contribute to more effective and equitable healthcare of good quality worldwide.
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