Enise Çayci awarded with Mosaic grant

Enise Çayci awarded with Mosaic grant.

Enise Çayci (ESHPM) will start her PhD research with a Mosaic 2.0 grant for ‘Applying a Gender Perspective to Ethnic Differences in HPV Vaccination Uptake in the Netherlands (GETVACCINL)’. The PhD scholarship programme is aimed at the underrepresented group of graduates with a migration background in the Netherlands. 

The importance of Çayci's research 

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a sexually transmitted virus that can lead to cancer in both women and men. Vaccines can effectively prevent HPV-related cancers, but in the Netherlands, HPV-vaccination rates are low among people of Turkish and Moroccan origin. The reasons for this are not well-understood yet, which hampers developing campaigns to address ethnic health disparities. Drawing on primary data, this project provides insights into the drivers of ethnic disparities in HPV-vaccination, thereby recognizing that these drivers may be gendered. Moreover, it provides an initial evidence base for tailored, gender-specific communication strategies for campaigns aiming to reduce ethnic HPV-vaccination disparities.

About RGHI
The Rotterdam Global Health Initiative (RGHI) is the multi-disciplinary global health research and education network of Erasmus University and Erasmus MC. Through our research and education efforts, we seek to help diminish health inequalities between and within countries, improve people’s living conditions, and contribute to more effective and equitable healthcare of good quality worldwide.
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