Collaborative Ideation Session: “Brainstorm for Equality”

This activity outline presents "Brainstorming for Equality," a structured session designed to inspire creative and collaborative thinking among students on various aspects of equality. This activity aims to engage students in critical thinking, foster an inclusive dialogue, and encourage innovative approaches to addressing equality challenges.

ActivityBrainstorming for Equality
Duration1 hour
ObjectiveTo facilitate a creative brainstorming session where students generate ideas related to different angles of equality.


1. Introduction (5 minutes):

  • Start by briefly explaining the purpose of the brainstorming session: to generate diverse ideas and perspectives on the topic of equality.
  • Set the ground rules for brainstorming, emphasising the importance of open-mindedness, non-judgmental thinking and encouraging all participants to contribute their ideas.

2. Define the Topic (10 minutes):

  • Please provide a clear and concise definition of equality and its different angles (e.g., gender equality, racial equality, economic equality, etc.).

3. Warm-up Exercise (10 minutes):

  • Conduct a quick warm-up exercise to stimulate creative thinking. For example, ask students to individually write down three potential solutions to address a specific equality-related challenge. Allow a few minutes for silent reflection.
  • Invite students to share their ideas in pairs or small groups. Encourage discussion and exploration of each other's suggestions.

4. Brainstorming Session (30 minutes):

  • Divide students into small groups of 4-6 members, ensuring a diverse mix of backgrounds and perspectives in each group.
  • Provide each group with a flip chart, whiteboard, and markers to capture their ideas.
  • Instruct groups to brainstorm as many ideas as possible within the given time frame. Please encourage them to think creatively, challenge assumptions, and consider practical and innovative approaches.
  • Remind students to build upon each other's ideas, allowing for free-flowing discussions and avoiding judgment or criticism at this stage.

5. Idea Sharing and Discussion (15 minutes):

  • Ask each group to present their most promising ideas to the whole class. Please encourage them to explain the rationale behind their ideas and the potential impact they envision.
  • Facilitate a discussion among the groups and the entire class to explore common themes, identify unique insights, and highlight the strengths and limitations of different ideas.
  • Encourage students to ask questions, provide constructive feedback, and engage in a respectful and inclusive dialogue.

6. Conclusion (5 minutes):

  • Summarise the key insights and ideas generated during the brainstorming session.
  • Express appreciation for the students' active participation and their contribution to fostering a culture of equality through their ideas.
  • Highlight the importance of further refining and implementing these ideas to drive positive change in society.

This activity encourages students to think critically, creatively, and collaboratively about different angles of equality. It provides a platform for generating innovative ideas and fostering inclusive student discussions.


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  • @title

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