The austerity measures raken in Europe in recent years reveal how, in public discourse, the depoliticization of political economy takes the form of an intricate blend of economics and moralism, e.g. the framing of Greece as the ‘villain’ and the European Union as the ‘saviour’. This working group focuses on the politics of debt. It seeks to analyze these processes of financialization and moralization by which debt as public issue is depoliticized, as well as to investigate means by which the issue can be reclaimed by all its stakeholders.

Organisers & Researchers
Sjoerd van Tuinen
Professor of Philosophy of Man and Culture at Erasmus University Rotterdam
David van Putten
PhD in Philosophy at Erasmus University Rotterdam
Jamie van der Klaauw
PhD candidate at Erasmus School of Philosophy
Ryan Kopaitich
Researcher at Erasmus School of Philosophy
Sonia de Jager
PhD candidate at Erasmus School of Philosophy
Christoph Brunner
Assistant Professor at Erasmus School of Philosophy