mr.dr. MY (Martien) Schaub


Martien Schaub is an Associate Professor in the department Law & Business at the Erasmus School of Law. Her areas of expertise are contract law and consumer law. She is an expert in the field of online consumer protection. Martien studied Dutch law and European law, she wrote her multidisciplinary Phd-thesis in the context of Industrial Engineering and Management.

In her research she focusses (amongst others) on problems related to concurrence of laws, the influence of European law on national law of obligations and the consistency and effectiveness of laws. These themes are addresses in the area of online contracting and more in particular in relation to contracting via intermediary online platforms.

Erasmus School of Law

Associate professor | Civil Law


News regarding mr.dr. MY (Martien) Schaub

Weet wie je date; een chatbot of de liefde van je leven?

Volgens Martien Schaub, universitair hoofddocent Privaatrecht, is het gebruik van chatbots door datingssites niet zonder meer toegestaan.
Date-app met een match