(Eva) EAL Meyermans Spelmans


Eva Meyermans Spelmans (LLM) is a PhD candidate in European law at the Law and Markets department. Her research focuses on the EU green transition of the fashion industry and the impact thereof on sustainability and human rights in the global value chain of the fashion industry. She explores how law created the current economic conditions, such as the power imbalance between the different players in the GVC, reinforces social injustices.

Before starting her PhD at Erasmus, she worked as a junior lecturer in International and European Law at the University of Amsterdam. She holds an LL.M. degree from Utrecht University (Master of European Law) as well as a Master's Degree in Law from Ghent University. Her research interests are sustainability and human rights in the fashion industry, and the protection of linguistic minorities.

Erasmus School of Law

PhD candidate | International and European Union Law (IEUR)

More information


  • Eva Meyermans Spelmans (2023) - ECER-seminar Talen in het EU-recht
  • Eva Meyermans Spelmans & Jesse Peters (2023) - The True Price of Fast Fashion: How the Green Deal can contribute to better labour conditions in the fashion industry

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