Our community

Erasmus Graduate School of Law
Foto van studenten in Polak

EGSL aims to build and support a strong PhD community. Within the PhD community, academic as well as social activities are organized, and PhD candidates are encouraged to develop their own initiatives.

More information about these activities, news and a calendar with an overview of EGSL activities can be found on this page.

EGSL activities

EGSL PhD meetings

The aim of the EGSL PhD meetings is to consolidate an active and dynamic research community, in an environment where PhD researchers can safely elicit feedback and exchange ideas with their colleagues. Being part of a research community is part and parcel (if not the core) of their job as researchers. During the PhD meetings, both as presenters and as an audience, PhD researchers can offer and receive feedback and learn from each other. The monthly PhD meetings can be used in various ways:

  • present an (almost finalized) part/chapter of their PhD thesis.
  • present a (draft) paper, test an idea - also at its very early stage –.
  • practice a presentation that the PhD researcher is due to give elsewhere.
  • 10/10: someone uses ten minutes to present or pitch an idea. The speaker can decide to either present for ten minutes or to also send some thoughts on paper beforehand.

The format is very flexible: the PhD researcher can decide to have a discussant, be it either internal or external or just share his or her work with his or her fellow PhD colleagues. The PhD meeting can be opened up to more senior colleagues and/or external guests if desired by the presenter. 

Dates for these meetings are communicated by EGSL, via outlook invitations.

EGSL Review Day and Kick-off meeting

Every year in fall EGSL organises a combined Review Day & Kick-Off meeting. During this event, the new PhD researchers of Erasmus School of Law are introduced. Furthermore, the PhD researchers who started last year, present their research and receive a certificate of completion of the educational programme of Erasmus Graduate School of law.

Vergelijk @count opleiding

  • @title

    • Tijdsduur: @duration
Vergelijk opleidingen