An overview of the upcoming PhD defences can be found on this page.
Name | Topic |
I. Cleven | Enforcement experiences of criminal protection orders from a victim empowerment perspective. 24-01-2025 | Prof. S. Struijk and dr. T. Fischer |
M.S. Katdare | Precautionary Principle: How does political discretion influence its implementation? 06-02-2025 | Prof. M.G. Faure and Prof. E. Kantorowicz-Reznichenko |
A.J. van Heusden | Taking Marketing Seriously: A Law and Economics Analysis of Personalized Marketing in the Digital Age 13-03-2025 | Prof. M.G. Faure, Prof. F. Weber and dr. A.M.I.B. Vandenberghe |
L. van Kalken | Raadsakkoorden in beeld: een onderzoek naar de praktische werking en staatsrechtelijke gevolgen van raadsbrede samenwerkingen in de lokale democratie 21-03-2025 | Prof. E.F. Stamhuis and Prof. G. Bogaard |
R. Eskhita | From Brussels to the Gulf 25-04-2025 | Prof. E.F. Stamhuis and Prof. K. Heine |
M.K. Shahid | Queering Courts, Analysing the equal marriage rights cases of the ECtHR, the CJEU and the US Supreme Court 23-05-2025 | Prof. J.D. Temperman and Prof. E. Hey |
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