IMARC to be presented at Criminology Conference in Sarajevo

Bibliotheek van Sarajevo

On 30 August, prof. René van Swaaningen will present the IMARC Programme at the 18th annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. This two-year (120 EC) International Master’s Programme on Borders, Security and Social Justice will start in 2019.

During this programme, a variety of themes, such as Geo Politics, Migration and Human Smuggling, will be addressed. After a joint semester at Erasmus University Rotterdam, during which all participants will take an extensive training in methodology and research skills, students have to choose a ‘track’ at one of the consortium partners (University of Bologna, Erasmus School of Law, University of Ghent and University of Kent). They will then be invited to present their work (in progress) during the so-called ‘common sessions’ of the Common Study Programme on Criminal Justice and Critical Criminology. The final theses will be presented at a seminar at the end of the programme.

About the conference
The annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology provides an opportunity for its participants to present papers on the results of their own research projects, and to learn about research being done elsewhere in Europe. The conferences also provide an excellent occasion for the members to meet each other and discuss mutual research interests. This years’ edition will focus on crimes against humans and humanity.

More information about the Conference of the European Society of Criminology can be found here.

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