EURO-CEFG Study on Legal Implications of Brexit on the Internal Market published

Foto van EURO-CEFG Study

The European Parliament published on 9 August 2017 a EURO-CEFG study on the implications of Brexit on the Internal Market that was commissioned by the European Parliament's Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) to EURO-CEFG.

The study addresses the implications of several scenarios of the UK withdrawing from the EU in relation to the EU Customs Union, the Internal Market law for Goods and Services, and on Consumer Protection law, identifying the main crosscutting challenges that have to be addressed irrespective of the policy choices that will be made in due course. The analysis takes the fully-fledged EU membership as a point of departure and compares this baseline scenario to a membership of the UK in the European Economic Area (EEA), the application of tailor-made arrangements, as well as the fall-back scenario, in which the mutual relationship is governed by WTO law. Following an analysis of the EU, legal framework defining the withdrawal of a Member State from the EU the study develops an analytical framework that allows for the identification of the legal impact of different Brexit scenarios on policy fields falling within the ambit of the IMCO Committee. In this context, the general impact of the EEA model, the tailormade model and the WTO model on key pieces of the currently existing acquis communautaire in these policy areas are highlighted.

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