EUR has appointed Dr. Gwen van Eijk as a member of Young Erasmus Academy

Erasmus University Rotterdam has appointed Dr. Gwen van Eijk as a member of Young Erasmus Academy, the network of talented, young scientists. A committee, led by Rector Magnificus Prof. Huibert Pols, has selected seven scientists from EUR and Erasmus MC for a period of five years.

Dr. Van Eijk conducts interdisciplinary research at the intersection of criminology, sociology and law. She is particularly interested in the role of social inequality in everyday life and public policy. In her research, she seeks to understand how social inequality is shaped and reinforced through our actions, policies and experiences – and what we can do to bridge gaps and foster solidarity.

In 2015-2016, Dr. Van Eijk was visiting research scholar at the City University of New York, where she investigated these issues in the context of criminal justice reform in the US, as part of her NWO Veni project Exclusion and inclusion through crime control: How perceptions of social class divisions among criminal justice agents shape crime control policy and practice. She has published her work extensively in journals such as Punishment and Society and Sociology. She is an editor of the Dutch journal Sociologie. Dr. Van Eijk also actively promotes social outreach of her work by writing opinion articles, for example for De Volkskrant, Algemeen Dagblad and The Guardian, and by writing for various blogs, including her own blog class in/justice.

Dr. Van Eijk’s aim is to contribute to the Young Erasmus network with her ideas about strengthening interdisciplinary collaboration at EUR, the importance of engaging with audiences beyond the academic world, and about valuing public engagement of academics.

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