16th Annual Conference

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The German Law and Economics Association (Gesellschaft für Recht und Ökonomik e.V) invites paper submissions for our 16th Annual Conference.

The conference will take place July 5-6, 2018, at the University of Ljubljana. The local organizer is Prof. dr. Mitja Kovač (Faculty of Economics).

The keynote lecture will be delivered by Prof. Dr . Lisa Berns tein, University of Chicago Law School, on: "Black Hole Apparitions and Maghribi Traders: A Social Network and Relational Contracting Perspective"

We welcome submissions of full papers or paper drafts on any topic regarding Law and Economics. Submission of extended abstracts is acceptable, but priority will be given to complete manuscripts. We encourage submissions by young researchers at the PhD level to present and discuss their work with more experienced scholars. The conference language is English.

To submit your paper please send an email with a PDF version (other file formats will not be processed) to the following email address: kirstein@glea.de.

Please list in your email the name(s), affiliation(s), and email contacts of the author(s), and please indicate who will likely be the presenter of the paper, if accepted. Please add affiliations and email addresses of your co-authors if they also might be interested in attending the conference.

As a special feature of our 2018 conference, two prizes will be awarded:

  • one for the best Slovenian Law-and-Economics researcher at the conference
    (this prize will be sponsored by Kavčič, Bračun & Partners Law Firm)
  • one for the best paper written and presented during the conference by a young scholar (under 35 years of age) from any country
    (this prize will be sponsored by Schönherr Attorneys-at-law - branch Slovenia)

For this reason, we have extended the deadline for submission, which is now February 26, 2018. Acceptance decisions will be communicated in March 2018. If your paper is accepted for presentation, you need to send the completed manuscript to a commentator (who will be assigned to you in May) no later than June 7, 2018.

Vergelijk @count opleiding

  • @title

    • Tijdsduur: @duration
Vergelijk opleidingen