Researcher profielen

  • dr. (Carina) C Oedingen

    Dr. Carina Oedingen currently works at the Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam. Carina does research in Public Health…
    dr. (Carina) C Oedingen
  • (Jacqueline) JCF van Oijen

    (Jacqueline) JCF van Oijen
  • dr. (Lieke) LE Oldenhof

    Dr. Lieke Oldenhof is Associate Professor in anthropology of the changing welfare state at the Erasmus School of Health Policy and Management. She is member of…
    dr. (Lieke) LE Oldenhof
  • dr. (Catharina) CJ van Oostveen

    dr. (Catharina) CJ van Oostveen
  • (Michel) M Oskam

    (Michel) M Oskam
  • prof.dr. (Tom) TGM Van Ourti

    Tom Van Ourti is a professor of applied health economics with a focus on health and inequality. His research focuses on understanding the socio…
    prof.dr. (Tom) TGM Van Ourti
  • (Flora) F Palimetaki

    (Flora) F Palimetaki
  • drs. (Emma) EL Palsma

    drs. (Emma) EL Palsma
  • (Andreea) AF Panturu, MSc

    (Andreea) AF Panturu, MSc
  • (Koray) K Parmaksiz

    (Koray) K Parmaksiz

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