prof.dr. TGM (Tom) Van Ourti


Tom Van Ourti is a professor of applied health economics with a focus on health and inequality. His research focuses on understanding the socio-economic health gradient, with specific interest in impact evaluation, preventive care, mental health, perinatal health, measurement theory of health inequalities, and the elicitation of social preferences for income and health. He has published in journals including the Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Health Economics, and the Bulletin of the World Health Organisation. He teaches applied econometrics and health economics, and organizes a yearly PhD summer school on inequalities in health and health care. He obtained his PhD from the University of Antwerp and has held visiting positions at the university of Melbourne, and the George Washington University.

Erasmus School of Economics

Full professor | Health Economics

Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management

Full professor | Health Economics (HE)


News regarding prof.dr. TGM (Tom) Van Ourti

Mensen met lager inkomen hebben minder gezondheidswinst na behandeling geestelijke gezondheidszorg

Mensen met een lager inkomen knappen minder vaak op na een eerste behandeling in de geestelijke gezondheidszorg, vergeleken met mensen met een hoger inkomen.

Verhoging eigen risico leidt tot minder gebruik van geestelijke zorg door jongvolwassenen

De verhoging van het eigen risico leidt tot minder gebruik van geestelijke gezondheidszorg door jongvolwassenen.

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