Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship

Onderzoek de zakelijke kant van cultuur
Cultural Economics and Entrepeneurship student

Is deze studie iets voor jou?

Wil jij verandering gaan brengen in de culturele en creatieve industrie? Wil jij originele en goed doordachte ideeën bedenken over hoe je cultureel en creatief werk kan produceren, verspreiden en toetsen? Dan is de masterstudie Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam het perfecte programma voor jou. 

Belangrijkste Feiten & Cijfers

Fulltime | Parttime
1 jaar
Studiepunten (EC)
Aanmelddeadline (EEA)
15 mei
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Het studieprogramma in het kort

Het masterprogramma Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship biedt een dubbel perspectief aan door zowel te kijken naar culturele economie, alsook naar cultureel ondernemerschap. We gebruiken perspectieven uit het veld van culturele economie en cultureel ondernemerschap om de gebruiken en waarde van cultuur voor verschillende belanghebbenden te ontrafelen, benadrukken, realiseren en toetsen. Op deze manier bevorderen we de rol van de culturele en creatieve sector in onze huidige samenleving. We leggen hierbinnen een grote nadruk op innovatieve theorie, origineel empirisch onderzoek en verbinding met de culturele en creatieve sectoren. 

Tijdens de masterspecialisatie Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship richt je je op de uitdagingen waar de culturele en creatieve industrie vandaag de dag, maar ook in de nabije toekomst, tegen aanlopen. Je gaat verschillende ontwikkelingen, uitdagingen en kansen binnen de context van culturele organisaties, creatieve bedrijven en ondernemers identificeren, plaatsen en vormgeven. Daarnaast biedt het programma veel mogelijkheid om verschillende onderwerpen te onderzoeken en ervaring op te bouwen met projecten in ondernemen. 


Waarom deze studie

"Culturele economie is niet iets dat je overal kunt vinden."

Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship student Aline studying on campus

Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship by Aline

Dit ga je leren

  • Je leert zowel een macro- als microbenadering te gebruiken om de context van specifieke culturele organisaties te begrijpen.
  • Je leert overtuigende argumenten te formuleren binnen het financiële en economische kader van de culturele en creatieve sectoren en bestaande ideeën uit te dagen.
  • Je leert alternatieve benaderingen te verkennen voor uitdagingen in de huidige economie, met een focus op de culturele en creatieve sector.
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Carrièremogelijkheden na je studie

Geef je carrière in de culturele en creatieve sector een vliegende start met de master specialisatie Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship. Je kunt aan de slag in het hart van (internationale) culturele organisaties, overheidsinstellingen en bij NGO's of SME's, waar je nieuwe bedrijfsstrategieën kan ontwikkelen als PR-adviseur of beleidsmaker. Door je vermogen om de nieuwste economische theorieën toe te passen op langdurige culturele ontwikkelingen en trends, zijn jouw carrièremogelijkheden zeer divers.

Bekijk jouw toekomst

Wat vinden onze studenten?

Joan Flores Ortega

Joan Flores Ortega - Student Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship

The Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship master programme has provided me with a high-quality education and served as a platform for personal and professional growth.
The Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship master programme has provided me with a high-quality education and served as a platform for personal and professional growth.

Having arrived from Spain over a year ago, my background in Business Management and my passion for art and music led me to choose the Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship master’s programme. I was looking for a career change that would bring me closer to my hobbies, and I can now confidently say it has exceeded all my expectations. 

Autonomy & Flexibility 

One of the things I like the most about the programme is the autonomy and flexibility it offers. Cultural and Creative Industries can be a broad theme, but the ability to choose topics of personal interest for assignments and the diverse range of electives available in the third term truly set this university apart. This flexibility not only allows the development of the student’s interests but also promotes an open learning environment. 

Bridging Culture and Business 

Coming from a classic business background, I truly appreciate how this programme bridges culture and business. Understanding the dynamics of the complex relationships between culture and economics is of great importance in an increasingly globalised world. The programme has provided me with the analytical tools and critical thinking skills necessary to navigate this sector.

Guidance & Support  

My journey has not been without its challenges. The transition from a traditional business mindset to a more creative and interdisciplinary approach required significant adaptation. However, with the support of my professors and classmates, I have been able to overcome these hurdles. Their guidance, especially during my thesis, has been invaluable. 

Additionally, life at Erasmus is full of activities and opportunities to connect with new students. Being an international student, this has made the move from Spain much easier. The Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship master programme has provided me with a high-quality education and served as a platform for personal and professional growth, making this year truly enriching.

Martina Chieppa

Martina Chieppa - Student Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship

I compared many similar masters before applying at Erasmus University Rotterdam, and none offered me this blend of economics and entrepreneurship regarding the creative industries.
Portrait photo Martina Chieppa
I compared many similar masters before applying at Erasmus University Rotterdam, and none offered me this blend of economics and entrepreneurship regarding the creative industries.

Unique specialisation

The reasons why I chose Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship are multiple, but the most essential is its uniqueness. I compared many similar masters before applying at Erasmus University Rotterdam, and none offered me this blend of economics and entrepreneurship regarding the creative industries. The high consideration this master specialisation keeps in providing a variety of courses on subjects such as innovation, digitalisation, and sustainability played a significant role in my decision as well. I couldn’t be happier with my choice.

Despite some difficulties faced during the application process, the Erasmus Offices were always available to help me solve any issue. It’s a precious approach, everyone does their best to make the opportunity to study here as great as possible.

New skills and perspectives

Hence, all these aspects together made me conscious of how Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship would train me to be the most suitable candidate for a job in the creative field, as well as add new skills and perspectives which to my background that will last a lifetime.

Portrait photo Martina Chieppa

Philippos Moschatos

Philippos Moschatos - Student Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship

Besides the practical research skills, I became equipped with the mental tools to understand the challenges and opportunities in the creative industries.
Portrait photo Philippos Moschatos
Besides the practical research skills, I became equipped with the mental tools to understand the challenges and opportunities in the creative industries.

I have always wanted to be a driving force and understand the world around me to better it. After extensive research, I came across the master specialisation Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship. The curriculum ticked all my boxes, and after going through the pre-master Arts and Culture Studies, I joined the specialisation in total. Its international orientation, the quality and level of classes, and the opportunities provided, have convinced me of my decision.

Economics is the language of policy

Through this specialisation, I'm learning how to conduct empirical research, qualitatively and quantitatively, delivering tangible results in the service of the arts sector, apply theory to cases, learn how to work with theory and empirical data, and be a proper researcher that presents results clearly and completely  

Besides the practical research skills, I became equipped with the mental tools to understand the challenges and opportunities in the creative industries. What is going on, and what I can do about it? It helped me pose the right informed questions and know where to look for answers.

Challenges and Opportunities at Erasmus

For a non-Dutch student entering the Dutch educational system, the pacing and requirements of the University can pose a challenge, and they can be overwhelming. You want to keep on top of your studies, but sometimes life and mental health are more important. Finding the balance between the two involved deciding what to study in-depth and what to skim. It is highly demanding but high yielding.

Moreover, the University is full of student organisations and workshops, each with its own agenda. From the get-go, you can be part of initiatives that aim for a more sustainable world and to develop new hobbies. If you let yourself be immersed in some or any of them, the University will give you so much more.

Confidence and tools

As a student of both the master and the pre-master, I have to say that I feel more confident about myself and the tools I have received from Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship. Being able to do both of them made me believe in myself and know where I stood. So, if you are interested in the arts sector and how to bring practical and informed change, Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship is definitely for you.

Portrait photo Philippos Moschatos

Lisa Habernik

Lisa habernik - Student Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship

I find it very interesting and stimulating to learn more about economics and relate it to the cultural sector. An the lectures, seminars, and various group assignments offer a perfect setting for discussion of the theory.
Portrait photo Lisa Habernik
I find it very interesting and stimulating to learn more about economics and relate it to the cultural sector. An the lectures, seminars, and various group assignments offer a perfect setting for discussion of the theory.

I did my bachelor’s in management in the UK. After graduating, I spent one year at an art academy where I focused on developing my creative skills. I still wanted to do a master and thought that I wanted to combine my business studies with my creative interest and therefore, the master specialisation Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship seemed to be a perfect fit. And it has certainly proven to be so.

Economics in relation to the cultural sector

At first, it took me some time to get back into the field of economics because I only had economics for one semester during my bachelor. However, after engaging with the literature, I found it very interesting and stimulating to learn more about economics and relate it to the cultural sector. Therefore, the lectures, seminars, and various group assignments offer a perfect setting for discussion of the theory. When writing my essays, I am then able to focus on my field of interest. I am really looking forward to term 3 where I can focus even more on my specific interest within the seminar electives.

International classroom

What I like the most about Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship is the very international classroom. Everyone comes from a different background, but we all share the interest in art and culture and the eagerness to develop our knowledge about it.

Portrait photo Lisa Habernik

Antonia Bobik

Antonia Bobik - Student Master Cultural Economics & Entrepreneurship

Not only can I foster my understanding in contemporary arts and culture, but I also have the possibility to interconnect my knowledge in economics with a focus on the creative industries.
Portrait picture of Antonia Bobik
Not only can I foster my understanding in contemporary arts and culture, but I also have the possibility to interconnect my knowledge in economics with a focus on the creative industries.

Having completed my bachelor studies in International Business Administration and International Relations, as well as in Art History in my hometown Vienna, the master specialisation of Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship was to me the perfect study to connect with my interests and my prior education.

Practical application and contemporary outlook

Not only can I foster my understanding in contemporary arts and culture, but I also have the possibility to interconnect my knowledge in economics with a focus on the creative industries. Especially the practical application and contemporary outlook on this industry is a very interesting aspect of this study. Furthermore, I am looking forward to the third term, in which I can apply my acquired in-depth knowledge on real life cases and experience the societal impact cultural institutions have firsthand.

International environment

To me the Netherlands, particularly Rotterdam, is an ideal place to study the Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship, due to the international environment you live in, the active contemporary art scene and the diverse cohort you study with. It is not only during the courses you acquire important skills for the future, but you also learn salient insights from the students you study with, who derive from various and diverse backgrounds.

Cultural Industries

Principally, the course ‘Cultural Industries’ in term 1 brought me valuable expertise towards strategic thinking and problem solving with the help of case studies. This program strongly focuses on the economic approach on culture, without characterizing it as a mere economic product but rather integrating the importance of culture towards our society.


As this study is actually completed within one year, some periods, especially the time frame towards the end of a block, can be rather stressful and demanding. However, good time management helps me to combat these periods.

Future Plans

As for my future plans, I am currently working at an art collective in the city of Rotterdam. And due to my background in art history, I am seeking to work in visual arts. For example, in a museum, a gallery, in art dealing or in a startup within this field.

Portrait picture of Antonia Bobik

Liza Oostenbrink

Liza Oostenbrink - Alumna Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship

Ik koos voor de masterspecialisatie Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship omdat ik er meer kon leren over de diverse disciplines binnen de kunst- en cultuursector.
Liza Oostenbrink
Ik koos voor de masterspecialisatie Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship omdat ik er meer kon leren over de diverse disciplines binnen de kunst- en cultuursector.

Diverse disciplines leren kennen

Het kan best lastig zijn om binnen de kunst- en cultuursector aan de slag te gaan. Er zijn veel leuke functies, maar de concurrentie is hoog. Dit maakt het een uitdagende sector om te starten met werken na je studie. Daarom heb ik ervoor gekozen om na mijn bachelorstudie Algemene Cultuurwetenschappen eerst mijn kennis op het gebied van kunst en cultuur verder uit te breiden en te specialiseren. Ik koos voor de masterspecialisatie Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship aan de Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication, omdat deze goed aansloot op mijn bachelor, en ik er meer kon leren over de diverse disciplines binnen de kunst- en cultuursector. De studie heeft een groot aanbod aan keuzevakken, waardoor het niet alleen mogelijk was om veel vakken te volgen die mijn interesse hadden, maar ook om vanuit verschillende perspectieven naar het veld te kijken.

Aan de slag in het erfgoedveld

Tijdens mijn bachelor en master had ik altijd al een interesse in erfgoed en volgde ik keuzevakken over dit onderwerp. Toen ik uiteindelijk mijn masterscriptie ging schrijven heb ik ervoor gekozen om te gaan schrijven over het herbestemmen van cultureel erfgoed in Nederland. Ik had verschillende gesprekken met erfgoedorganisaties. Tijdens een van die gesprekken is mij toen een baan aangeboden, waardoor het voor mij mogelijk was om na het afronden van mijn studie gelijk aan de slag te gaan in het erfgoedveld. 

Na drie jaar als vastgoedbeheerder bij een commerciële erfgoedorganisatie te hebben gewerkt, was het tijd voor de volgende stap; een baan waar ik meer inhoudelijk bezig zou kunnen zijn met erfgoed. En zo geschiedde: sinds april 2024 werk ik als beleidsadviseur bij de gemeente Nissewaard.

Waarom ik mijn baan zo leuk vind!

Als beleidsadviseur monumenten en erfgoed binnen de gemeente houd ik mij bezig met verschillende taken. Een aantal voorbeelden; ik ben secretaris van de Erfgoedcommissie, ik behandel en adviseer de aanvragen voor de subsidie gemeentelijke monumenten, en ik denk mee over de toekomst van kerkgebouwen binnen de gemeente.

Werken voor een gemeente betekent ook dat ik met verschillende partijen aan tafel zit. Zo heb ik het ene moment een gesprek met de wethouders, en het volgende moment ben ik op locatie in gesprek met monumenteneigenaren. De diversiteit in werkzaamheden en omgeving, maar ook mezelf kunnen inzetten voor het behoud van erfgoed maakt dat ik mijn baan erg leuk vindt!

Het masterprogramma Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship heeft me geleerd om kritisch te zijn, maar ook om naar het grotere plaatje te kijken en verder te denken dan wat er nu voor mij ligt. Dit komt erg van pas in mijn huidige functie bij de gemeente.  

Liza Oostenbrink

Denisa Boca

Denisa Boca - Alumna Master Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship

It was through my studies that I discovered and developed a strong interest for the public cultural sector and a strong passion for facilitating positive societal impact through culture.
It was through my studies that I discovered and developed a strong interest for the public cultural sector and a strong passion for facilitating positive societal impact through culture.

Discovering & shaping my interest in the cultural sector

“As a student in the Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship Master’s degree programme I had many enriching and memorable experiences that I will cherish for a lifetime. The programme provided me with valuable knowledge on theory and research in cultural economics and cultural entrepreneurship and offered me the freedom to apply this knowledge to my areas of interest within the cultural sector. I particularly enjoyed learning about the societal impact of culture and exploring this in applied research during my academic experience. This also helped me discover my interest in the relationship between culture and regional development, and the facilitating role of public policy in the process. It is worth mentioning that the curriculum was highly demanding, making the programme challenging and intense at times. Nonetheless, there was much support available at all stages of the learning process. Apart from academic knowledge, all programme activities and assignments helped me grow on a personal level, by helping me develop valuable interpersonal skills, shaping my interests and by exposing me to a beautiful and diverse community of students and teachers.”

From music creation to implementing the Commission’s public policies

“Since finishing my studies in July 2021, I was fortunate to gain valuable work experience in both the public and the private sectors. Shortly after my graduation, I landed a full time position as an A&R for Global Records, the biggest independent music label in Romania. Here I contributed to the music creation and release processes by coordinating songwriting sessions according to the record label’s priorities, critically assessing and selecting music for releases. Being directly involved in the music making and release process was a unique and rewarding experience for me, and I was very happy to find that much of the knowledge and skills I gained during the master’s proved to be useful in my daily tasks, in particular with regards to strategy-making and critical analyses of potential releases.

More recently, I started a new position as a Blue Book trainee at the European Commission in Brussels, working for the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) towards implementing the Commission’s public policies relating to culture and education. I find this role incredibly rewarding and exciting as I get to contribute to the support of and to witness the progress of many initiatives that promote positive social development at European level through culture and education.

I owe my current role to my master’s experience, as it was through my studies that I discovered and developed a strong interest for the public cultural sector and a strong passion for facilitating positive societal impact through culture. The knowledge and skills I gained during my master’s studies motivated me to explore career opportunities in this direction and enabled me with the confidence to apply for this role.”

My advice

“If you are a current or prospective student for the Master’s programme in Cultural Economics & Entrepreneurship, I believe you chose or you are looking at a great place to cultivate your interest in the cultural sector. Take this as an opportunity to explore your career options in the cultural sector and to grow, both personally and professionally.“

Deze bruisende studentenstad biedt je kunst en cultuur, uitgaansleven, verenigingen, sportclubs en meer om je studentenleven nóg leuker te maken.

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