Teacher Professionalization

Faculty: Impact at the Core
Educational theme: Professional Development
Project lead: Lisette Ligtendag & Joe Binetti
Duration: Continuous
Status: Planning and design


The approach of Impact-driven Education denotes a shift in the learning and teaching paradigm. It suggests a reformulation of the traditional roles of learners and teachers. Not only because it introduces external stakeholders as a new entity into the learning journey but also because it requires a transformation in the players’ attitudes. It is essential to provide the teachers with the tools, skills, knowledge and perspectives needed for these tasks. The ambition is to allow teachers to become confident agents of change; only in doing so can fruitful results be achieved.

Impact-driven Education requires teachers capable of taking beautiful risks and enthusing students with a passion for experiential learning while connecting them with the real world. This approach involves preparation, and teachers shall receive support when needed to develop and enhance their skills, making it possible for them to become agents of change and innovation more easily. 

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