SMART goals

SMART goals


SMART goals are specific, measurable, acceptable, realistic and time-bound. A proven method for efficiently achieving results.


Formulating goals that meet the SMART criteria lays the groundwork for an efficient and effective approach.


  1. First decide what you want to achieve. What is your ambition? What goal do you want to achieve? 
  2. Next, use the SMART criteria to concretise this ambition or goal:
    1. Specific: Are the five Ws (what, who, where, when and why) clear enough?
    2. Measurable: How do you know you have achieved your goal? Which results are visible?
    3. Acceptable: Are you yourself behind this goal? Are all the other relevant stakeholders?
    4. Realistic: Which steps need to be taken to achieve this goal? How doable is this, given the available time and resources?
    5. Time-bound: When must the goal have been achieved? What must be done for this and when? Which intermediate steps and milestones can be identified?

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