Faculty: RSM
Educational theme: Student competences, academic skills 2.0
Project lead: Lennart Corleissen
Faculty liaison: Anne de Waard-Leung
Duration: September 2020 - May 2021
Status: Running

We live in a world that is faced with complex societal challenges including, but not limited to poverty, social inequality, and limited access to vital economic and social resources. The I DO Project provides second year (I)BA students with the opportunity to be an active force for a positive change already during their studies, leveraging academic learnings immediately after first exposure.
The I DO Project connects students with global NGOs who made it their mission to combat these societal challenges on a local scale, but who face shortcomings in their knowledge and insights to fruitfully materialize their ambitions. Therefore, RSM students connect and cooperate with a given organization (NGO) and help define the NGO’s specific challenges based upon its current needs, as well as design and implement an effective solution in teamwork.
Together with Impact at the Core, the students for Project Misside work on developing a credited I DO course. The I DO course encompasses two separated phases, the preparation and the action phase. The preparation phase incorporates the theoretical preparation for students to kickstart the action period. Said period is a 5-month part-time working period during which participants work for global NGOs. Both periods are aligned with the course’s conceptual framework that holistically equips students with the skills and knowledge necessary to achieve a positive impact alongside the collaborative NGOs.
Part of the I DO course is the I DO Leadership course. The (I)BA2 Consulting Teams will be guided and coached by (I)BA3 students who also participated in the I DO project during the second year. The Leadership Course should equip them with the necessary hard & soft skills to effectively manage an I DO team. The Leadership Course also consists of two phases: the preparation phase and the action phase. The preparation phase includes a start-up week, in which the coaches will be prepared for their actual engagement as a coach. During the action phase of the I DO consulting teams, these teams will start working with the NGO. This means that there are structurally more contact moments with the NGO’s and with the student groups. Besides guiding the process with the NGO, coaches continue with their individual learning process as a coach.
A course with an impact; when students say I DO
"From to whom much is given, much is expected"