Bachelor programmes

It may not always be possible to visit our campus in real life, but on this page you will find the most relevant information about all the bachelor programmes we offer at Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication. 

Some of them also include a Virtual Information Session to get you acquainted with our study programmes and our programme coordinators or student ambassadors. For any remaining questions please get in touch with us!

This programme takes a unique approach by focusing on how history shapes present-day societies. You focus on modern history and political, cultural, social and economic issues. This programme is taught in Dutch. Check out our English programme regarding these subjects called International Bachelor History.  

Introductievideo Bachelor Geschiedenis

You have a passion for arts and culture. You might not be an artist yourself, but you want to know what's happening behind the scenes of the art sector and play an active role there. This programme is taught in English. Check out our Dutch programme regarding these subjects called Algemene Cultuurwetenschappen.

Introduction video - International Bachelor Arts and Culture Studies (IBACS)

Explore the world of media and its political, economic, and cultural impact. Pursue opportunities for international exchange, and go on to advanced studies or a career in communications.

Introduction video - International Bachelor Communication and Media (IBCoM)

This programme takes a unique approach by focusing on how history shapes present-day societies. You focus on modern history and political, cultural, social and economic issues. This programme is taught in English. Looking for our Dutch history programme? Check out our bachelor Geschiedenis.

Introduction video - International Bachelor History

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