Valentina Ughetto Piampaschetto

Portrait picture of Valentina Ughetto Piampaschetto
The most interesting part was not the content but the atmosphere and openness to debate during the lessons.

Valentina Ughetto Piampaschetto

Student Pre-master Media Studies

Choosing what you want to study and what you want to become in your professional life is not an easy process. After living abroad for three years, studying Translation and Communication in Switzerland, I was not too sure if that was the career I wanted to pursue. Therefore, I found myself at a crossroads: either I would continue with my previous education in my Master, or I would start over somewhere else. And that is exactly what I did.

When I attended the Master Open Day of Erasmus University, I was immediately positively struck by the premaster Media Studies, which allows you to choose some electives and focus on what you like the most. I am currently attending the premaster in Media & Business. The most positive aspects about the premaster are the courses that allow me to bridge the knowledge gap I had due to my background, but also the environment of my classes and seminars.

Atmosphere and openness to debate

One of my favorite courses so far is Media and Communication Theory. The most interesting part was not the content but the atmosphere and openness to debate during the lessons. Being in a predominantly international environment with people from different backgrounds, the lectures turned into an exchange of knowledge and personal experiences, bringing examples from the media of our own countries. This allowed me not only to increase my knowledge but also to develop a critical sense and expand my worldview.

Satisfaction of studying

Living abroad in a country you do not know and where you do not speak your native language can be challenging at times. Feeling overwhelmed and homesick is completely natural. After living in Rotterdam for six months now, I can definitely say that I do not regret my decision of coming here and study at Erasmus university. The tough moments I have been through are being rewarded with the satisfaction of finally studying what I want to become.

Future plans

My future plans are of course graduating from the premaster and the master specialisation. In terms of career, I would like to work in public relations, who knows, maybe right here in Rotterdam, which I can finally call “my city”!

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