Monique Jørgensen

Portrait photo of female IBCoM student
IBCoM teaches you to have a critical perspective, meaning that what you learn exceeds the classroom and becomes a part of your daily thinking in life. It makes me reflect on and question things and use real-life examples in my assignments.

Monique Jørgensen

Student International Bachelor Communication and Media

Why did you decide to study IBCoM?

I chose IBCoM because it spoke to me in many ways, primarily because of the international environment. With truly international professors and mixed classrooms, the teaching offers so many transcending perspectives. The discussions we have are based on academic articles, which come to life during discussions. It really shows you how people have diverse perspectives, and I am learning so much from viewing the world in new ways.

What do you find most interesting about IBCoM?

Some of the moments I enjoy the most are when I walk out of a lecture full of new and wondering thoughts. IBCoM teaches you to have a critical perspective, meaning that what you learn exceeds the classroom and becomes a part of your daily thinking in life. It makes me reflect on and question things and use real-life examples in my assignments.

What kind of struggles did you encounter and how did you dealt with them?

I think one of the challenges to IBCoM is that it is so diverse. It is hard to define exactly how communication is used and how important it is, nonetheless, we all know it is a big part of human life. As I embraced more courses and met scholars, I see how many positions are offered to communication scholars and the many interesting and forceful assignments people can work with afterward. It makes me more certain that the field is valued, and that the degree can bring me many options with great potential.

IBCoM has already given me such options and taken me in an exciting direction, as I have been able to start an internship besides my studies in a consultancy firm. Later, I will be able to try this full-time since it is a part of the IBCoM curriculum too.

Finally, the city of Rotterdam supports the international spirit and offers creative people many outlooks. For me, moving abroad also meant exploring more things and places on a daily basis, without it being limited to traveling, as Rotterdam has excellent art museums and vibrant places to go.

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