Internship Company Testimonial - Mybestseller

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We're very much a Rotterdam-based company, so working with Erasmus University students has always felt like a natural partnership.



What is your name, your position and the name of the company you work at?

My name is Jesper Larsson, and I'm the head of marketing at Mybestseller.

What are the main activities the company execute or the main products and services the company offers?

Our ultimate goal is to change the way people tell stories by enabling them to publish, print, and sell their own books using our online publishing platform.

How many ESHCC students did you hire as an intern up until now?

In the 4 years I've worked here, we've hired around 12 ESHCC students, but they've been involved in the company since its conception. Some of our former interns are now full-time employees. We're very much a Rotterdam-based company, so working with Erasmus University students has always felt like a natural partnership.

Were you happy with the interns you have hired?

Absolutely. Most of the interns we've had the pleasure of hosting here have been ambitious critical thinkers and self-starters, which is exactly what we're looking for.

Mybestseller internship

What could you still teach the students during their internship?

We've found that giving interns a lot of responsibility and creative freedom has been very conducive to the development of both them and us. In our experience, we've been able to provide opportunities to put the students' theoretical knowledge to practical use, which is always a very educational process for everyone involved. Furthermore, we're usually able to bolster said theoretical knowledge with some practical marketing skills, such as SEO, SEA, email marketing etc.

How would you describe a typical IBCoM student?

I don't like to generalize, but in our experience, IBCoM students have been inquisitive, determined, and responsible.

Would you advise other companies to hire IBCoM students?

Definitely! When we need a well-rounded intern with a good understanding of MarCom, IBCoM is the first place I look.

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